Beware of charges on your credit card or debit card that are not there that are supposed to be because recurring charges; i.e. withdrawal's for insurance coverage.
History, we were leased to Bolt last year and my Son was driving for us and when he went for a pickup in N. Michigan, while loading a forklift driver hopped off the fork lift w/o setting the brake and the forklift went down and pinned him to the back of the van. Thank God he wasn't a double amputee but it did cause quite a bit of damage to his knees. He can't drive until this is better.
Bolt apparently got mad at him about 9 months before this and canceled his workmans comp insurance but kept giving him loads for about 9 months until the accident. They didn't notify us (owners) or him. All things seemed well until the accident. The shipper admits fault; however, since, Bolt cancelled his workmans comp. he has no income, or medical coverage until this is settled.
Please don't let this happen to you. We check our credit report every couple of days but we're really looking for charges that aren't supposed to be there! Our focus now has to include charges that are recurring charges to ensure they're covered each month!
Our son used a debit card. Now this thing is in the court system and who knows how long that'll be.
Bolt continued to run him for 9 months and the only thing they did was drop his workmans comp.
It seems incredible but maybe some others are doing the same thing.
Big Al
History, we were leased to Bolt last year and my Son was driving for us and when he went for a pickup in N. Michigan, while loading a forklift driver hopped off the fork lift w/o setting the brake and the forklift went down and pinned him to the back of the van. Thank God he wasn't a double amputee but it did cause quite a bit of damage to his knees. He can't drive until this is better.
Bolt apparently got mad at him about 9 months before this and canceled his workmans comp insurance but kept giving him loads for about 9 months until the accident. They didn't notify us (owners) or him. All things seemed well until the accident. The shipper admits fault; however, since, Bolt cancelled his workmans comp. he has no income, or medical coverage until this is settled.
Please don't let this happen to you. We check our credit report every couple of days but we're really looking for charges that aren't supposed to be there! Our focus now has to include charges that are recurring charges to ensure they're covered each month!
Our son used a debit card. Now this thing is in the court system and who knows how long that'll be.
Bolt continued to run him for 9 months and the only thing they did was drop his workmans comp.
It seems incredible but maybe some others are doing the same thing.
Big Al