barry surrenders the U.S. Sovereignty.....


Veteran Expediter
I really hope that all of you barry supporter are happy with yourselves and with what barry is doing to our country......this stunt is nothing short of the thinking of a person who wants to turn our country over to the powers of group think and control, much like the EU....this is nuts and this man is dangerous....

Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty at G-20 Summit
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann : Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty at G-20 Summit -

While all eyes were on the rantings of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, the United States -- under President Obama -- was surrendering its economic sovereignty at the G-20 summit.

The result of this conclave, which France's president Nicolas Sarkozy hailed as "revolutionary," was that all the nations agreed to coordinate their economic policies and programs and to submit them to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for comment and approval. While the G-20 nations and the IMF are, for now, only going to use "moral suasion" on those nations found not to be in compliance, talk of sanctions looms on the horizon.

While the specific policies to which the U.S. committed itself (reducing the deficit and strengthening regulatory oversight of financial institutions) are laudable in themselves, the process and the precedent are frightening.
We are to subject our most basic national economic policies to the review of a group of nations that includes autocratic Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. Even though our gross domestic product is three times bigger than the second-largest economy (Japan) and equal to that of 13 of the G-20 nations combined, we are to sit politely by with our one vote and submit to the global consensus. Europe has five votes (Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the EU), while we have but one.

And the process will be administered by the IMF, whose counsel to less-developed nations over the past two decades has consistently called for social pain and economic austerity. The IMF's misguided policies have been responsible for more revolutions than Marx, Engels, and Lenin combined. Its bureaucrats' arrogance is legendary, and its search for appropriate punishments to fit the crime of spending too much on the poor smacks of colonialism and imperialism. They are our new overseers.

This combination of the IMF and the G-20 will not only work to structure national economic policies but to limit executive compensation at financial institutions. The watchful, wise leaders of such nations as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia -- among others -- will monitor Wall Street to assure themselves that their compensation is not out of line. One particularly looks forward to the views of the Saudi monarchy on this question of excessive personal enrichment.

Perhaps as part of his public spasm of apology, President Obama also strove successfully to increase the voting strength of the debtor nations on the IMF from the current 43 percent to 48 percent. This is the economic equivalent of giving deadbeat debtors more votes on their bank's governing board of directors.

Thus, the world's most successful economy, ours -- which is the only one that has produced reliable economic growth for three decades and has lifted real personal incomes almost every year -- is going to subject itself to the burden of justifying its own economic policies in front of a global community of 20 nations, some of which do not even embrace free-market economies in the first place.

Indeed, it is only through access to our markets that nations have been able to escape poverty. Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, China and India have sequentially trod this path into prosperity.

Obviously, we live in a global economy. But the United States is 24 percent of it. We are entitled to more than one-twentieth of a voice, and it is the world that should be following our policies -- not the other way around.

Much of the damage of the Obama administration can be undone at the next election. But such grants of sovereignty to autocratic, backward, bureaucratic and even communist nations will be hard to undo.

The world is recovering from its leftist obsession -- e.g., the Angela Merkel victory in Germany. But by the time the voters discover how phony, failed and fraudulent these policies are, we may have given it all away already. Irrevocably.


Veteran Expediter
Are you really surprised? I'm not. I honestly won't be surprised when people re-elect Obama in 2012 because the DNC will make them think they are racist if they don't vote for him, and no one wants to be a racist.


Expert Expediter
Hey chef, Atleast we tried to Warn the Koolaid Drinkers Before the Election and they Chose to Ignore verything That Obumma Stands For and Elected the Moron in Charge anyway! Now they are Finally Opening their Blind Eyes and actually seeing what he is up to! I'm not saying all of them are Opening their eyes cuz there are Still some Still Out there who actually believe the Lying P.O.S. that's Living in the Whitehouse.. But 2012 is coming and I don't see Obumma staying in that Office after that! And that's a Good thing! I am so glad that I Dropped out of the Dumocrat Party!


Expert Expediter
Are you really surprised? I'm not. I honestly won't be surprised when people re-elect Obama in 2012 because the DNC will make them think they are racist if they don't vote for him, and no one wants to be a racist.

They can Call me a Racist if they want to But I didn't vote for the Garbage the First time and I'm Sure as H*** Not going to vote for him the next time either! Hopefully "Someone" Will be Running that Can Oust his Sorry Butt Out of the Office as well as The U.S. being his Personal "Free" Travel Agent for Him, His Wife and All of his Cronies! This Nit Wit Has to go, And the sooner the Better!!


Veteran Expediter
Dick Morris has zero credibility. He is as sleazy as it gets in the politics game. To cut and paste his commentary is irresponsible and doesn't bode well for your credibility either...but then what's new?


Expert Expediter
Dick Morris has zero credibility. He is as sleazy as it gets in the politics game. . .

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 3, 1999; Page C1

"Morris was a national punch line. While serving as chief strategist for Clinton's 1996 campaign, Morris was fired after the Star tabloid revealed his longtime relationship with prostitute Sherry Rowlands. His marriage to attorney Eileen McGann broke up, and his $2.5 million book on policy-making in the White House was a commercial flop."

I don't know, he seems to fit right in with the rest of the Washington crowd.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It does not matter about what Dick Morris says or not. Just assume that Barry is out to do this nation in and you will be correct. He CANNOT be trusted. As I have stated before, you are who you hand with. You CAN judge a man by his associates. Obama hangs with criminals, traitors and scum. Therefore, he CANNOT be trusted. Do I personally believe that Obama would give up our sovereignty? YEP!! In a heartbeat!! SO, call me a racist if you like, or paranoid or whatever you want, I don't give a rat's patuty. Obama is socialist scum.


Veteran Expediter
letz wrote:

To cut and paste his commentary is irresponsible and doesn't bode well for your credibility either...but then what's new?

LOL, come on don't try and tell me you are worried about my "credibility" and i won't try and tell you that i give crap about what you think....:D


Veteran Expediter
It does not matter about what Dick Morris says or not.
Your right. It's BS.

Just assume that Barry is out to do this nation in and you will be correct. He CANNOT be trusted. As I have stated before, you are who you hand with. You CAN judge a man by his associates. Obama hangs with criminals, traitors and scum. Therefore, he CANNOT be trusted. Do I personally believe that Obama would give up our sovereignty? YEP!! In a heartbeat!! SO, call me a racist if you like, or paranoid or whatever you want, I don't give a rat's patuty. Obama is socialist scum.

Sovereignty is a relative term and has varying levels and definitions. I submit true soverignty waxes and wanes with every piece of legislation passed and every policy adopted. Did the Patriot Act impede on sovereignty? Yes it did. It in effect empowered some who would desire to inflict harm on the U.S. It most certainly restricted some of our freedoms. I could think of more but I'm feeling a little A D D today....Your post doesn't prove you're a racist, or paranoid.
You're just wrong.


Veteran Expediter
So what's the angle here then?

How does any American (Obama included) benefit from this? I take issue with all of it--but especially the notion that we have one vote just the same as the rest of em. He does know that foreigners can't vote for him next election, right?


Expert Expediter
So what's the angle here then?

How does any American (Obama included) benefit from this? I take issue with all of it--but especially the notion that we have one vote just the same as the rest of em. He does know that foreigners can't vote for him next election, right?

I Don't know about those Foreigners Not being able to Vote for Him, Look what ACORN Did for him with the Mexicans! :D


Veteran Expediter
letz wrote:

lol, there is no "compulsion" on my part......:D

I beg to differ:



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Your right. It's BS.

Sovereignty is a relative term and has varying levels and definitions. I submit true soverignty waxes and wanes with every piece of legislation passed and every policy adopted. Did the Patriot Act impede on sovereignty? Yes it did. It in effect empowered some who would desire to inflict harm on the U.S. It most certainly restricted some of our freedoms. I could think of more but I'm feeling a little A D D today....Your post doesn't prove you're a racist, or paranoid.
You're just wrong.

First, I am NEVER wrong!! I am just too COOL to be wrong!!

Second, Barry has EXTENED MUCH of the Patroit ACT!!!

Three, We are NOW lambasting Obama, Bush is NO LONGER president.

I am a equal opportuntiy lambaster!!!

By the way, how is the expediting business going? It has been a while since I have seen you post ANYTHING about this business. We are making out, still hanging on. YOU?


Veteran Expediter
Ever realize something if you post something neg on here about CO or the Govt for some reason or another you have a bad few weeks.

Better just put it up and shut up so to speak.

(The proposed gun Bill and the Tax junk.)

I here all of you griping on here now, Question is how many of you got the guts to go to Washington and do something about it.

Or will you do nothing just like you do now and sit by the way side and side line quarterback Gripping and complaining.

Interesting isn't it.

When the tail gate drops the bull crap stops.:)
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You have to ask ME that? Bring those COWARDS in Washington on!!! I may be old but I can still shoot!!! I have spent the better part of my adult life protecting my Constitution, old habits die REAL HARD!! Unlike, my Senators, Carl (Marx) Levin, Debbie STABTHEMNOW or my Congressman, John Dingle(BERRY) or the traitor current resident of the White House, I BELIEVE in the GREATNESS of this Nation and the REAL people that reside here!! YOU know the ones, those who EARN their way through LIFE!! Not the PUTZ's like Obama!!