Banning guns part of medicine


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OH SHOCK OH SHOCKS! An Obama bum appointee is opposed to the Constitution! OH say it ain't so! What's new? Obama is opposed to the Constitution, Biden is, Holder is, the BATFE is, a good bunch of the SC court is. Those who believe in the Constitution are now the "enemy". Get used to it, it can only get worse.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well, the Surgeon Genera can't outlaw guns, nor institute legislation to control them. The bigger question is his credentials and intelligence to be the Top Doc. In his confirmation hearing, the esteemed physician stated:

"I do not intend to use my office as Surgeon General as bully puppet on gun control."



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, the Surgeon Genera can't outlaw guns, nor institute legislation to control them. The bigger question is his credentials and intelligence to be the Top Doc. In his confirmation hearing, the esteemed physician stated:

"I do not intend to use my office as Surgeon General as bully puppet on gun control."


Obama Care gives the "government" the "power" to do what ever they want, legal or not. ALL they have to say is "it is costing "national health" too much money to allow it to continue. THIS is the REAL reason LiBeRaLs want control of health care. It is ONLY about control. In THIS, and most, administrations, they do as they please and will continue to do so unless WE stand up and STOP THEM! Far too many cowards out there for that.

The Constitution is no longer in effect.


Veteran Expediter
Well, the Surgeon Genera can't outlaw guns, nor institute legislation to control them. The bigger question is his credentials and intelligence to be the Top Doc. In his confirmation hearing, the esteemed physician stated:

"I do not intend to use my office as Surgeon General as bully puppet on gun control."


Is the typo ['puppet', rather than 'pulpit'] his, or yours? :p

Either way, it's hilarious, and a 'bully puppet' is exactly what the Surgeon General is supposed to be: our Official Nag. Bullying people is practically the Job Description - until we all eat healthy, exercise enough, sleep enough, drink enough water, yadda, yadda, yadda.
But I'd say guns are outside his area of expertise.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Controlling guns is ONLY about controlling the People. Weak people are easily controlled. Weak people consent to control. Weak people believe the lies of those who would control them. Obama is counting on weakness to advance his power.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Is the typo ['puppet', rather than 'pulpit'] his, or yours? :p
It belongs solely to the Miami Palmetto Senior High valedictorian, the three-year Harvard magna cum laude, the Yale Medical School doctorate, and the Health Care Management MBA Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow of Yale School of Management.



Veteran Expediter
Controlling guns is ONLY about controlling the People. Weak people are easily controlled. Weak people consent to control. Weak people believe the lies of those who would control them. Obama is counting on weakness to advance his power.

Weak people repeat the same cliches, sound bites, and propaganda over and over and over. Being incapable of original thought, it's all they know.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Or perhaps intelligent people repeat the same thing over and over and over in hopes the weak minded eventually get it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The "Obama's" of this world have, and will continue, to destroy more lives than all the private gun owners in the world COMBINED, that is assuming that all private gun owners destroyed lives, which very few do. Heads of states, including ours, kill MILLIONS upon millions. One of the FEW checks to that kind of power is armed citizens.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Or perhaps intelligent people repeat the same thing over and over and over in hopes the weak minded eventually get it.

The weak minded never learn. They teach, and breed, other weak minded people. It will not be long that in this country that the weak of mind and spirit outnumber the strong. That is the goal of the Obamaites who adore him.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Weak people repeat the same cliches, sound bites, and propaganda over and over and over. Being incapable of original thought, it's all they know.
Weak people attack the poster rather than the post. Please be wary of that.


Veteran Expediter
Or perhaps intelligent people repeat the same thing over and over and over in hopes the weak minded eventually get it.
Well, yeah ... back that up with a few choice quotes/cites from fine journalistic entities of high repute ... and I'm sure we're right on the verge of ... The Enlightenment 2.0 ...