Baby Jessica, 20 years later


Veteran Expediter
I have been reading a bunch of articles about 'Baby Jessica' and how she is now waiting for the million or so bucks that was put into a trust fund for her.

While reading one blog, and going through the comments about her and the articles, most were rather not nice towards her. One comment pointed out that the guy who actually got into the hole and worked her out of there, committed suicide over what happened. Another comment pointed out that she did an interview a few years back and said in the interview that she don't remember it at all and it is a big joke for her and in another interview that she is bored at talking about it.

It seems that she and the articles are pointing out the money as something that is important. I may be insensitive about this but should there be some remorse and concern over her rescuer killing himself over this?


Retired Expediter
Hard to feel remorse for an emotion that doesn't exist. IF she really doesn't remember the incident.

She could be more politically correct feigning remorse for the workers family benefit.


Veteran Expediter
Baby Jessica? Is this the little girl on the plane flight who lived? The biggest crash in Detroits history?

This is a true story, a good friend I played little league football with and was in the same class with. His brother was a Wayne County Deputity, was one of the first officers on the scene.

Two years later he committed suicide. Very sad, a great officer but the scene just wrecked him over, great parents and my fiend has really lost a big part of himself ever since.

His brother did recieve full honors, as most of the time when an officer kills himself does not.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Baby Jessica is the girl who fell into the well. I hadn't heard about the suicide, but I have to think there was more there than just the well incident. That may have compounded whatever else was going on in the guy's life. I mean, it wasn't the kind of trauma like being at a plane crash or something like that.

I saw an interview with her a while back and was very unimpressed with her. I agree that she could at least act like she appreciates what everyone did for her. I wouldn't be surprised if the mil is gone as quick as you can say, "Dude, got any dope?"


Veteran Expediter
At the end of the day she is just a kid who happened to fall into a well. How is she suposed to act? I agree she should have some common courtesy when discussing the event since many people were and apparently still are interested in it but really, how many kids her age today have any real manners or appreciation for anything?? Not too many round here I'll tell ya...