Awe OK


Veteran Expediter
Aw, awright! My sigline "Mr Goodtude solidarity" had nothing to do with Leo - I want Leo to live, really! It was a protest against the removal of the post that got Mr Goodtude banned, so that we couldn't make up our own minds about whether it was deserved. (Ok, I'm pretty sure it was, knowing Mikey):D I hope he will be allowed to return to being a member with a lot to contribute, not even counting the fabulous photographs, cause I miss him, and his zany stuff.
Note to Mikey: if you must call anyone names, please don't do it in public - that's ubertarded, IMO. And dumb, too. And one thing you're NOT, is dumb. I'm losing the sigline now, trusting it made it's point, and you'll be back.:)


Veteran Expediter
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

The word "praise" is found in the Bible 248 times, but the word "correction" only 12 times and the word "discipline" only once!

Based upon the rule of "Majority Usage", I would think it would be more appropriate to "praise" in public and "correct" in private.

Like the verse says, "...think on these things."

I appreciate your public apology...that goes a long way with me. Moreover, I thank you for your Private Message and for being sincere in your communication.

May all hearts be clear.