Market is being affected by price. Freight is a little slower than expected and the number of trucks available has a whole throughout all carriers has increased. Therefor carriers are bidding lowball numbers for loads that we just don't do and can't do since we are a % carrier. Most all the rest are flat rate carriers on a flat rate FSC so they are making money on everything and can afford to bid a load at a loss and still pay there rate to there trucks. Our profile is not like that. !!!!!
Again thank you for the comment. I fully understand everything your pointing out. Sometimes we have to endure a wait, "it is what it is."
However at what point does simple understanding of how the industry works and our profile in it affect our patience and attitudes?
Your a o/o and you know what each of your trucks needs to do weekly to make your nut, not to mention your drivers needs. When reasonable patience and understanding is met with inaction....something has to give.
We've asked twice now for an authorized move and told the first time after being patient and reasonable for 3 days, that NO dispatch felt they had a better chance of getting us out today. Well they haven't! Now the 2nd request we just made for an authorized move is met with indecisivness "there's. No one there to auth it.
So at what point does the company that sent you here consider this a situation in distress? Is it 5 days or more or over a week? Is there even any policy for this contingency in that understanding of our profile and mission you mention?
Were is the "share the pain, share the gain?"
So we will now move at our own expense and have to flip the coin again with getting a load out of here.
Anyway like they say "you can't beat a dead horse,"
Thanks again for the feedback