
Veteran Expediter
Consumer Fraud alert to you all.

There are some Middle Eastern people setting up scams on ATMs according to the Detroit Free Press Tuesday.

It works like this.

Place a small camera above the ATM pointing down at the key pad. They also put a scanner in front of the scanner you place your card into thus scanning it twice the bank and the crook.

With out a Pass Code the scan does them no good or very little in the way of emptying your account.

How to protect yoursel, pull at the scan reader first that you insert your card into. Fake ones will break off imm, second look around the parking lot any other cars or people hanging around is the second indicator (this is how they got cought). Cover your hand with the other hand while punching in your code AT ALL TIMES....

Just for you to help protect your hard earned $.

When they have your scan they make up a fake credit card, and with your pass code, empty your account in about three days.


Veteran Expediter

Got to say this is really an old trick but seems to be cropping up every once in a while.

The newest thing that is considered high tech is buying an ATM and placing it in a store with an agreement to split the ATM fees. How this is done is a modification to the unit is made that allows the owner to capture both the card info and the pin number undetected and when the owner of the ATM fills the machine with cash, he swaps out the recording device and dowload all the info to sell or use.

hino magic

Seasoned Expediter
thanks for the info, seems like the store should keep a better eye on this but i see it happens. again thanks for the info.