I'll assume that it's a rhetorical question ....
Well, I guess if you want it to be rhetorical, then it's rhetorical. It's not rhetorical, tho.
What an utterly simplistic canard ...... lacks any real insight .....
No need to be rude or quite so presumptive. It's a simple question, not a derogatory or baseless canard. True enough, I have no insignt into Assange's legal arrangement, but I'm not stupid, either. To wit:
Is it your understanding that "attorney fees" are the only thing that would constitute "legal fees" (..... uhhh ..... ever heard of bail ?)
No, it is not my understanding at all. Thanks for the canardic assumption, tho. His bail was 200,000 pounds, plus two separate 20,000 pound sureties. That's 240,000 pounds. Sooo, apparently, he's spent
zero on his entire legal defense
other than his bail and sureties. At least nine friends and supporters of Assange agreed to offer about 75,000 pounds towards bail, which brought the total guaranteed amount to about 275,000 pounds, which is more than enough, but less than the 200,000 he's said that he has spent on legal costs thus far. Knowing that, my silly little rhetorical question, and then, what was it, oh, yes, the utterly simplistic canard, both still stand as valid, honest questions. If the stated 200,000 pounds for legal costs do not include bail and sureties, which it apparently does not since the numbers do not match and he had to pay more than that (or perhaps he was just rounding it off), where did he get that 200,000 that he's spent on legal costs, since he clearly needed donations to cover his bail? And if it does include bail and he was merely rounding the 240,000 off to a nice even number for brevity's sake, has he spent not a pound or shilling on any kind of legal fees elsewhere and he's being represented by 4 or 5 legal teams all on a pro bono basis? These are not silly, canardic rhetorical questions.
And I have read of at least 3 or 4 attorneys who are representing Assange in various places .... the actual number may be higher.
I've read the same thing. Doesn't change my question, tho.
As someone who has personally paid well over $75,000 in attorney's fees ten years ago (and that wasn't even a criminal matter), I can tell ya the use of lawyers can get very expensive real quick.
As someone who has also paid legal fees of various sorts, I'd agree with you. But none of that reconciles the numbers of Assange, since the numbers for his bail, and the numbers he's spent so far on legal costs, do not include any legal costs for attorney fees.
BTW, would you consider it wise, when facing what is likely to be inevitable, massive legal action from the largest power on Earth, to not prepare adequately to fund one's own defense ?
To answer the question within the rather broad hypothetical scope as stated, yes, I would consider it wise to adequately prepare for the funding of a defense. But I don't know if I'd consider a couple of chicks in Sweden to be the largest power on Earth, nor would I consider
spending money on one's own legal defense
the same as
preparing to fund one's one legal defense.
I understand that you (probably among many others) have a real woodie, wanting to "stick it" to Assange (and Bradley Manning as well apparently
You understand incorrectly. I don't ever recall making such a statement, nor even hinting at such a notion, so I cannot imagine where you came up with such an understanding, other than in your own mind. Don't much care for the implication of innuendo, either. I just try to see things as they are without being blinded or deceived by my own emotions.
- to the point that you are deliberately mischaracterizing the guy's motivations (as stated by him)
As duly noted, I'm characterizing them as stated by him, and as I see them in within that context. I'm not sure how or why you'd charge me with mischaracterizing them, but I suppose you have your reasons. Regardless, just because my characterizations differ from yours doesn't make mine
mischaracterizations. Unless, of course, you have some unique insight or direct line of communications where Assange has personally replayed his real and true motivations to you, then of course, just as someone with corrective shoes, I shall stand corrected.
thru some fairly lame-o attempts at character assassination, often stating things as fact - which are really just your opinions
It is a fact, or an opinion, that I'm using "lame-o attempts at character assassination"? Because it sure reads like a factual statement. I just want to be clear before I start tossing around the "h" word. In order to assassinate someone's character, you have to make stuff up or skew things about their nature so as to project a false image of their nature. I have not done that, but I have
especially not done that in the two lines which I posted in reply to the article that started this thread, which resulted in me being charged with character assassination. Awesome.
- without offering any substantive, specific and verifiable facts as a basis for those opinions .....
Oh, that's OK, you do the same thing often enough. That's the great thing about opinions - they are often based on something other than facts. That's why they're called opinions. If they were facts, they'd be called facts. See how that works?
unless you want to count the irrelevant and immaterial, which are then used to apparently construct and support (falsely, only after much twisting and torture) your position.
Irrelevant like the ad hominem attack in this paragraph/sentence, you mean? In a thread where I make a three simple comments about what was contained in the thread starter, I get a floodgate of off-topic irrelevant crap thrown at me? Got it.
You know, just because you don't agree with it doesn't necessarily make it irrelevant. Relevancy has a way of being easily dismissed when it doesn't support a preconceived agenda. Happens all the time.
I'm going to try and address some of them, over the next few days, provided I don't get dispatched. I would have already done so in several instances, save for the fact that my browser tends to crash (taking with it partially typed replies), whenever I have over 30 or so tabs/windows open at one time.
Some of what? You mean some of stuff
not in this thread?
Yes, there does indeed exist an archive of Usenet - it's on Google Groups and appears to be largely complete (containing over 800 million posts), except for the first two years (when Assange was figuratively in diapers, being only 8 or 9 years old), and it is searchable.
Ah, OK,
not in this thread. OK. Yes there is a rather extensive archive of Usenet, but "largely complete" is a very subjective and mostly incorrect term. Entire hierarchies from the alt.* groups are missing, the text of most (if not all, at all of the ones I checked) posts that had attachments with them are no longer available.
Perhaps you can do a little digging and entertain us all - by linking to some old posts of his - which you say you have personal knowledge of - that support your conclusion/positions with regard to Assange - since you are familiar with what groups the two of you frequented, and the general time frame in which these posts occurred, I would guess it would be a fairly simple matter.
That's a really bad guess, as even if the posts were all there, it could take weeks or months to find relevant posts. I've on occasion looked for something I posted, and know what I posted and when, and had a considerable amount of trouble finding it, sometimes not finding it at all. (Then I remembered the newsreader hacks that most of us were doing which prevented posts in certain newsgroups from being archived. Some we wanted archived for future reference, usually some technical advice, but most we did not.) To do that just for someone's entertainment here on EO is not something for which I'm willing to devote the time and effort, because you (perhaps others) would either dismiss it outright or rationalize it in some way, whether it be a contextual matter (as a handful of posts from Usenet wouldn't even begin to put things in the proper context, it's not like people made a lot of outright blunt statements about certain things in there) or the passage of time as making this or that irrelevant, and that's even if I were able to find enough relevant posts at all.
It's often hard enough agreeing on current events, without dragging the already pre-dismissed historical record into it. Of course, I expect the fallacy of if-this-then-that to be leveled upon me, but I really don't care. It is what it is.
In regards to your characterization and explanation of Splendide Mendax: you totally butchered it .... altering and perverting the meaning far from what it actually is, in order to character assassinate Assange ..... this one was truly unfortunate (for me) - as I had the response to that post almost completely finished .... and lost it when my browser crashed.
Kind of an unsubstantiated charge there, isn't it? In any case, perhaps my memory failed me, and you found the Usenet posts where Assange himself detailed the name, but I don't think I mis-remembered it bad enough to be classified as totally butchered. But I'm sure you can find a contradicting meaning of what the term currently means, or in what someone else has concluded that the term means or meant, and that's fine. All I know is that I'd never heard or read the term prior to it being used on Usenet in the explanation of a nick that someone had chosen. And until very recent times, I'm not sure that I've heard it since. But I know what the terms mean, separately and together, and I didn't alter or pervert a single definition. And what they mean now coincides with what my memory of them was in the context of Assange when Mendax and Cue Ball were both used. And the things that were done under those guises matched up to the meanings I previously stated in another thread. You can chose to believe it, dismiss it, refute it, or anything else you like. Won't change things, tho.
I don't see any real reason to prove what I remembered, what happened, and what all went on. For example, I was a member of
this group (among others), but I can't prove it and wouldn't even if I could. But, most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, no one else can prove I was, either. You can chose to believe it or not. Doesn't make much difference.
I won't go into more detail at the moment
Well good, since that would be dragging something from outside this thread. My comments here were about the story posted, not about some other thread days or weeks ago.
- you are on your own to figure out exactly where you went off the rails on that one .... but I will re-create my response to at least that portion of your post, as time permits.
Oh, I'm sure you'll set me straight. At least insofar as you can perceive it. But do keep in mind that you're not trying to refute a conclusion, but a memory. Good luck with that.
And yes - I really do understand
why it is that
some people have a problem with people who are
Good for you. Personally, I don't have a problem with people who are anti-authority, I just have a problem with
some people who are anti-authority when they use that as an excuse because they want to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without any consequences. And when they don't get their way, they throw a temper tantrum or plot some kind of infantile revenge. Those are the ones I have a problem with.
As a side note, Dave pretty much nailed it.