arrows gift


Expert Expediter
there has been alot of talk about the arrow situation. Here ont the radio in truckstops.
Most people blaming/insulting arrow for their treatment of their drivers. Others putting the blame on the bankers. and others wanting more government interference.
I say we should be thankful for this Arrow Christmas gift. yes i say gift. Arrow has generously gave everybody a wake up call.
This can happen to anybody and has happened on smaller scale before. Compamies regularly put you on side of road maybe with a bus ticket but you will be leaving things on the road unless you rent a car.
There is way to much employee mentality out here from o/o's
there was a lot of generosity over this but that is not the point
the point number one is wether it is your truck or not.
companies do not care about you.
we are adults and suppose to be professional be prepaired.
take some responsibility over your own life.
i do not defend arrow in the least they are a bunch of low lifes.
so everybody who reads this do you have gas money to get you all the way home without borrowing the money or company drivers do you have enough for a car rental and gas to get you home. if not than that is your first new years resolution.


Veteran Expediter
There have been many threads about this on various forums . Arrow drivers had warnings weeks in advance . There were problems with fuel cards being rejected and paychecks bouncing . Drivers had to know what was coming and should have either left or been prepared . Several carriers sent messages to their drivers authorizing them to give stranded Arrow drivers a ride home . Their were several complaints criticizing the major travel center chains for not donating fuel and Daimler for not providing fuel to get the driver to a dealership closest to their home . That's nonsense . Once Arrow shut its doors and told the drivers to park where does the liability lie if the drivers continue to move the trucks ?


Retired Expediter
transporter.and I thought I was tough on drivers...shesh!*LOL*

In these tough times all drivers that drive for an O/O should have at least bus fare to get home as ANY O/O can go belly up at any time. Even your good owner could have his line of credit pulled back and voila, you are stuck with no fuel card.

Yeah I know sometimes keeping a couple hundred bucks in reserve is a push for some...


Expert Expediter
We thought of this several years ago and began preparing.

As far as our T-Check card goes, as an o/o as near as I can tell the money once on the card is mine and can't be taken away (it probably could but I can't imagine FDCC doing so). My concern was that if I needed to deadhead home suddenly, for whatever reason, I wouldn't be able to get an advance put on the card for fuel for the trip. We took advantage of the "hidden" savings that build up in the T-check account from the difference between what the pump receipt says and the discount price actually charged against our account. We have accumulated enough extra (that is, the difference between what T-check shows as the balance and our ledger balance based on straight usage of the receipt price) that in a pinch we could get home from any place in the country, even if I was sitting on empty when the emergency arose.

The only problem with that plan is that it only can provide me with fuel if the "system" is still working. Because of this, we choose also to keep a cash reserve as well. Depending on the cause of a failure of some parts of the system, I should have enough to get to safe base. Once you start thinking along these lines, however, the challenges begin to grow. According to some experts, one of the most likely forms of terrorist attacks on this country could be an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) weapon, so I have to consider the possibility that not just the electronic banking systems but also the entire electrical and communications grid might be down. I realize that an EMP would also take out my truck as the on-board computers would fry, leaving me with a whole 'nother set of challenges, but there are various scenarios of catastrophe in which only certain segments of the grid are knocked out. I'd like to have a manual crank pump so that I could access the fuel in the in-ground tanks in an emergncy, but I haven't got that far yet. Trying to think the unthinkable can get very complicated sometimes.

Anyway, the point is that under some circumstances, even a large reserve balance on your personal fuel card might not be enough to take care of a crisis. Cash can definitely be your friend in time of trouble.



Expert Expediter
yes ovm harsh and sincere not enough boy scouts out here ( Be Prepared). Let alone mature adults. This is a job were at times the choices are life and death. Almost anybody can be a stering wheel holder. that doesn't make you a driver let alone a o/o. ovm and most of the posters on here know this.

Again i do not defend arrow. i didnt talk about arrow because i would have just went off with a bunch of four letter discriptive words about them and their family members.

i might have used a little sarcasm with the arrow gift comment.
but if some people get somthing out of this(BE PREPAIRED)
you can be replaced.