this is always one of my peeves with some of the expedite companies. I think they need to ban together and stop offering their accounts these rates. They are offered as HHG miles. They are essentially a joke. Short of account retention, I don't think any companies could defend using this system.
Currently, there are two lawsuits filed against Swift Transportation for using this method.
We used to be with a Toledo, Ohio company that hauled alot of GM freight. We left when we figured we were giving away over 1,000 miles a month. 50 miles on a load, 100 miles on the next, it starts to add up quickly. At that time we were only getting a $1.00 a mile, and every so often, 1 to 3 cents on a fuel surcharge.
That brings me to the second one. Companies that keep a portion of the fuel surcharge. With the high fuel prices ect, that issue is slowly surfacing to the top. I think carriers just need to practice alittle honesty with their drivers and eliminated the above game playing. As the driver pool keeps shrinking, the ones that address these issues, will be the ones that survive