Anyone using the new WiFi system yet?

Dave Johnson

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hey all,

Been looking at getting the equipment for the new Wifi system, for wireless internet. I saw this morning where the system is being expanded to Petro Truckstops too, not just Flying J's. I think this system will be great for Expediters, since they often park at the edge of the lot, in smaller spaces, where lines from the old system didn't work. Also... I remember from when I drove my van, 'big rig' drivers did NOT like it if I parked in a truck space, so I could use the internet. Now a van driver can access from anywhere on the lot.

Anyone here using it yet? What has been your experience so far? I was thinking of just using Sprint PCS card, but this is cheaper.. plus, one driver told me, that the package he got from an ad in either Overdrive or Landline, (I can't remember) uses Sprint Card as a back up, if not close to a Wifi 'Hotspot'.

Anyone clarify?




Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I got the Sprint Air Card back in May and have been extremely satisfied with the system, if you have a signal, you can get on the internet.
The air card is expensive, but, to me, it has been well worth the investment. It is very calming, at the end of a hard run, to kick
back in the cab of the truck and just work the internet 'til your
fingers hurt. You can stay on for as long as you want, since you are paying for "unlimited" use. One caution: Someone may have to develop a new 12 Step program for laptop junkies! Good luck.:p :p


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
RE: WiFi or Sprint

Freightchaser, or anyone else who uses Sprint...

I have the mobile internet on my Sprint PCS phone, (yes I have the Mobile EO bookmarked.. LOL) .. was wondering how the download speed is when using the Sprint card. I know on the mobile browser, every site takes a while to load...

Are you able to use programs such as MSN or AOL messenger or ICQ on the Sprint Card or WIFI to save on the phone bill? Wifi IS a lot cheaper I see, and if they do make it more availible.. I would like to have it.. but.. we all get in some pretty out of the way spots.. and a backup plan would be nice...



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
RE: WiFi or Sprint

>When you access EO from your mobile browser, are you able to
>view it ok from our PDA pages?


Yes, It works just fine.. everything I see on that link above, I get on my mobile browser.. just real, real small... LOL! It loads really quickly, and works great. I haven't found a lot of sites that work smoothly with the mobile browser, the EO site, and the CNN site are 2 of the quickest loading.. with theirs taking longer, because of the high graphics content, pics, etc.

I use it mostly for weather info (I love being about to get a Dopplar Radar Image for anywhere I am), email when not home, headline news, etc.



Veteran Expediter
RE: WiFi or Sprint

Hi Everybody,
We just hooked up to Flyin J's WiFi last week and so far we really like it. We have cable hook up at home and I see no difference in the speed. We had tried other methods out here on the road and everything was just too slow so we're tickled to death with this thing. I DO have a question, as more truck stops make WiFi available, won't we have to pay their subscription fees also to hook up or is one WiFi all WiFi????



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: WiFi or Sprint

Iwas wondering on the sprint phones if the 3G phones are really that much faster than the 2G ones. Ours is a 2G and is pretty slow.


Expert Expediter
RE: WiFi or Sprint

I pay 80.00 for sprint wireless internet and although I do have problems with the air card. I highly recommend it to all you expeditors. I've been able to get on the internet at better than dial-up along most of the majoy highways in the mid-west, east coast, and south east. I don't have signal in ohio on 70 in the eastern section of the state. Some places in Kentucky as well. With that said, it has helped significantly in my bottom line. Right now, I sit in Scotia NY with full signal. :)

Joe Skinner
JLS Express LLC
Edwardsville, IL.}>


Expert Expediter
RE: WiFi or Sprint

I used it on my last trip. It worked very very well with the exception of one flying J right outside of Chicago. Very fast, and easy to use.
