Anyone know about natural gas vans?


Expert Expediter
I just had a deal come my way on a van with low low miles.
I would like to jump on it and put it to work but theres just one problem. It runs on natural gas. Came that way from the factory.
Does anyone know if it can be converted to gasoline fairly easily or should i walk away from it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Compare the total cost after conversion to a gasoline model. Unless you are still saving a pile of money I'd avoid the hassles and buy one set up right to begin with.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
Walk away. Not worth the headaches to convert.

Mike N

Faster than a speeding poulet.

Owner/Operator Big 'B'
10 years auto transport
2 years local/distance expedite
Laurel, MD (Washington DC area)


Expert Expediter
I had one once... When I noticed the local natural gas supplier was no longer using theirs I asked why. "Our insurance company won't cover them since that one exploded" that was the end of mine to. Didn't care what I got for it, as long as it was gone. Something about presurizing flamable gas to 45,000 PSI just did not seem right (and no hazmat???). Distance was limited to. Where ya gonna fill it? Don't bother trying to convert it, you'd have to replace the complete fuel system and computer, and more than likely the wiring.

Find something that is dual fuel (CNG and gas, or LPG and gas) if you looking for a multi fuel truck, at least then you have gas as a stand by if you can't find the fuel it prefers.

There is a reason they are selling it cheap. No one wants it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Don't know about natural gas, but I had a chevy pick up and put a 100 gallon propane tank on it and converted it to run propane. I had a cut off switch that I could switch to gas with and it ran fine.
You see a lot of these out in TX