Any Vanners happen to be in Sacremento or Nor Cal right now or headed that way?


Veteran Expediter
Any Vanners happen to be in Sacramento or Nor Cal right now or headed that way?

Just checking, have a small opportunity for some $ message or post on here for details. I'm trying to get some Sprinter front seats (just two front) back into Denver CO. :) I can meet you anytime of day or night on i-70 i-80 or they can be dropped in Albuquerque on i-40.
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Expert Expediter
Re: Any Vanners happen to be in Sacramento or Nor Cal right now or headed that way?

How much $$?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Re: Any Vanners happen to be in Sacramento or Nor Cal right now or headed that way?

Going thru Sacramento tomorrow morn. Might be able to help? Sent you a message