Another Fuel Savings Device?


Veteran Expediter
Hydrogen, the saviour of the world?

I ran across this last week and was going to stop in at their office when I was in Canada but didn't get the chance.

I am wondering if anyone heard of this, saw one or has one.


Senior Moderator
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Bush was talking about using some of this technology when he was on the west coast a couple of months ago.
I'm just starting to learn alittle about it.

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
After I posted this, I did some looking around and found about 10 companies that offer some sort of Hydrogen generation device. I read a couple things on how hydrogen helps the combustion process much like propane does. There were statments made that there is a mileage increase from 8% to 100% on these sites.

I would like to see what, if any improvements made to a common diesel engine that we use with these devices.


Senior Moderator
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If I remember correctly they were talking as you mentioned, a increase in fuel economy of 10 percent. They mentioned a few other options about running it exclusively. It was on the news and I didn't catch all of the information.
It seems like a interesting concept based on the reported tests so far.

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I saw 2 booths with some form of device at the truck show. They suggested about a 10% increase in mpg on a t/t rig but less improvement on my truck. I think the cost was about $2k but don't remember for certain. I'm going to look at them more at the next truck show I make just to learn a little more about them.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
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Seasoned Expediter
That sounds awesome and would would be well worth it if it works. I would need to research it more before getting it.

Although it reminds me of the 1980's water injection system they used to sell at Murrays Auto parts for $20, and I did find that it worked.

This new one is much more technical and should work better.