Veteran Expediter
Have you ever questioned the legality of the "Federal" government charging income taxes on your hard earned wages? Have you ever actually seen or read the federal law passed in 1913 that requires working Americans to pay income tax? If not, you may be suprised!
There was a DVD in our last Netflex shipment that was a REEEAL eye opener for us to view. It is Arron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism.This is a MUST SEE documentary that will definately provoke questions in your mind. Aaron Russo has a notable background in producing movies such as "The Rose" with Bette Midler and other well known movies, etc. It appears he researched this documentary well.
It will be interesting to read other's opinions on this one once viewed!
There was a DVD in our last Netflex shipment that was a REEEAL eye opener for us to view. It is Arron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism.This is a MUST SEE documentary that will definately provoke questions in your mind. Aaron Russo has a notable background in producing movies such as "The Rose" with Bette Midler and other well known movies, etc. It appears he researched this documentary well.
It will be interesting to read other's opinions on this one once viewed!