AM I the only one?


Veteran Expediter
I am reading about the new Tesla sedan and ran across the GM's volt mess again. Then I ran across the story about how the feds are putting into auto battery research another $278M which is confusing.

First we have nasa, put them to work but really lets get government out of the picture all together.

Tesla proves that private money works and government funded research does not always have a good return on our money. If Tesla was run by GM, then we would still be hearing that they are trying to figure out what tires are being used but so far they have delivered 150 cars and now coming out with a second vehicle. Not to mention the other EV companies who are doing well.

So what concerns me is this push for EV and how the government needs to "invest" our money into it while the private concerns are doing better than expected.


Veteran Expediter
Ok 4 jumbo marharitas later (its good that i am out of service, lol ) Greg you are intelligent enough to understand that the government doesn't want the market place to be the leader, they need to control and make sure that it all passes through their waste, i am sorry their checks and balances. The fact that the private sector is ahead is no for the masses to know, if it were the MSM would let us know when the gov let them tell us....

At this point the government is making every effort to make sure that if the auto companies are getting the bailout money they are going do it has the gov wants and the EV no matter if they can bring it to market in a cost efficent way or not doesn't matter, we will get it, sooner or later and over priced.

As for the private concerns making it happen, yeap they will and are, just in small limited #'s, cause they aren't sucking from the government tit...Thank God for them!!!!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I for one do not understand the push for electric cars. I really does not make any sense to me, at least not yet. We have problems with the power grid as it is. Brown out are becoming more common every year. The Obama Bums want us to use windmills and whatever and we have not been building enough power plants to keep up with demand. There is no such thing as a "polution free" car. If it gets re-charged off of a "fire" based electric plant is creates air polution. If it gets it's power of a nuke plant and so on. Hydro destroys entire river systems. There is NO such thing as a damage free car. Shoot, I would hate to see the polution involved with the production of those batteries. Experiment all you want, that is the best way to learn. The only way to advance. Putting my tax dollars into it is the wrong answer. Not the business of government. Don't forget to insure that those electric and hybrids pay thier fair share of road taxes. They don't buy the fuel to pay thier share. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Oh while i understand the LIBERAL bs about the EV, I personally see no reason for them. The manufacturing of them is far from green and even is worse then the manufacture of a petro car...

We have all the oil we need right here (but thats another arguement) so we can be foreign oil independent if the lib tree huggers get out of the way... just give me and old gas burner tuned up right and i am fine.........


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I like the idea of moving to diesel, at least for 15-20 years as better techknowlogy is develped. Much better use of oil. Better mileage by far and it can be done almost over night. We know how, it already exsists. Almost instant reduction in oil usage and green house gases. Buys us the time to finish the other work. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Yeap diesel makes sense, but it is a petro oil product and it is EVIL, just ask a LIB.....

And with this , i am going to bed, those 4 margaritas are workin!! night all.....:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Same for me soon, I have a run in the morning, to Brooklyn, they caught me at a very weak moment. You gonna be home next week? We will be. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Enjoy yourself in Brooklyn today. As for bein home next week, I am hoping to get the CV back Either Sunday or Monday and back on the road Tues....But "the best laid plans of mice and men............" so at this point who knows,,I'll be heading to the Bodyshop today and checking on the process they have made...

But I am sucking up to "load planning, dispatch and the girls in the office fri...(you now getting them ready to make sure i am their fav and get all of the good runs :D) I am maing a few cheesecakes for a friends bridal shower and I'll be droping one off at the office!! Yea I promise ANNIE!!!!!

so while I hope to be workin, i might still be home......


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I will check with you when I get in. I have a wierd run on Sat, lots of starts and stops etc. More NY crud. I need my head examined. Then I most likely will head for the house. Layoutshooter