Alabama passes strict immigration law


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Layout, those are international waters, no one owns them hence if they are asking for papers to prove who is who, it is alright with me. They, the US and Canadian coast guard and DHS are there to do a job and that job is to protect our respective countries. IF some 'sportsman' is inconvenience by the check, go hunt some where else.

AS for Italy and Poland not having issues with invaders there, they have very serious problems. One of the issues with Greece and Italy alike is the amount of money they spend on social programs during the time leading up to deportation. Italy now has a Libyan issue with the amount of refugees who just showed up. Germany has been known to be very very cruel to their invaders, I understand they deport them in record time and make our process look like it Disney created it.

No Greg, you are wrong. There is a distinct line out there where the US has jurisdiction to and then the Canadians take over.

There are laws out there too and they are NOT being followed. But, as you say, if it does not affect you that is just OKEE DOKEE. Right?

You are allowed to fish in Canadian water, as long as you don't anchor, with a Canadian license. Canadian fisheries or Coast Guard have NO LEGAL jurisdiction in US Waters. Just as Michigan, Wayne County, US border patrol, customs, fish and wild life etc have no jurisdiction in Canadian waters.

In all reality, if a Canadian cutter enters US waters and "boards" a US vessel that could be looked at as an act of piracy or war. IF they detain a US resident in US waters that would be kidnapping.


Veteran Expediter
If this happened, then your friend should have made a complaint with the US DA and the DHS.

Regardless, all the departments have an obligation to protect their respective countries, I didn't say abuse the border but protect. SO if someone is fishing in US waters and a DHS boat pulls over to them and they ask for citizenship ID, I don't see the issue at all - it is a border.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If this happened, then your friend should have made a complaint with the US DA and the DHS.

Regardless, all the departments have an obligation to protect their respective countries, I didn't say abuse the border but protect. SO if someone is fishing in US waters and a DHS boat pulls over to them and they ask for citizenship ID, I don't see the issue at all - it is a border.

He did, many have, we are told to "stuff it". Our government does NOT support it's citizens. They have not for years. It is a total joke out there.

They don't ask for normal ID. They ask for immigration papers and/or a passport. Forget the fact that the boat has a Michigan registration, they have a valid Michigan drivers license, Michigan fishing license and/or a valid Michigan hunting license. Also, under US law, MICHIGAN, not the Feds, have jurisdiction for the the first 500' off shore, THEN the Feds have JOINT jurisdiction with Michigan out to the international border OR the Ohio border.

It is not a border crossing. IF the Feds see you crossing the border it MAY be different. Go out there and spend so time. It is well into harassment. They don't even begin to control the border with Mexico and we KNOW there are MILLIONS sneaking across there. They are just harassing US, mainly Michigan citizens, because it is easy to do so. No other reason.

Besides, it only affects those who go on the river so why should any one even care? They should not be out there having fun or contributing to the economy. Fun it BAD!