Air Horn not working


Expert Expediter
Any ideas about what type of shop would work on our air horn? Do chrome shops do repairs on air horns? Ours just stopped working. Very strange. The brakes work just fine so we suspect there is a short somewhere or maybe another corrosion issue. We purchased it and had it installed at a place near Detroit, I believe, but who wants to go near Detroit for anything? Sorry Greg!! I can't see dead heading all that distance just to have the horn repaired if we can have it done on the road. Any ideas? Our truck is 2007 Freightliner.


Expert Expediter
OK, I get the dumb blond award today! I should have talked this over with my co-driver- husband of 44 years before I posted. He says we purchased this air horn near Ft Wayne, Indiana and we get back there often enough to have it checked where it was installed. Duh!

Our regular beep-beep horn works fine so there is no hurry to get the air horn fixed. We had a car pass us the other night and the little girl in the front passenger seat was just pumping her arm up and down for us to blow the air horn but all we had was our little beep-beep horn. Sigh!


Veteran Expediter
What?!? No one wants to go to Detroit, the gem of the country? Oh come on, it is so tourist friendly city in the country. ;)

Well if your horns are like a bunch of after market Air Horns, then they operate with a 12 volt valve and it may be a wiring problem.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you're passing through Joplin you could get "the boys" to look at it.


Staff member
I wondered if your were talking about your train horn or your air horn on the truck! Glad you cleared all that up. Hope you get the horn back to working soon as I know your horn sounds like ours and it is embarrassing.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
An air horn is a common and straightforward device. I would expect most any truck repair shop could troubleshoot it for you.


Veteran Expediter
Bob Club Advice, He just rolls down passenger window when he is driving leans over the seat and pinches Linda the yell solves the problem for a horn.
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