Aa truck sleeper employee tragedy


Seasoned Expediter
Sorry that this has taken longer than I wanted to post. We recently received word that the shop foreman Alex Martinez has lost his son in a drive-by shooting ...His son was making a delivery to a convenience store and was shot in the neck, severing the spinal cord, his name was Ruben Martinez, he leaves behind a wife, son and a new baby that is due within a month....I am asking everyone that reads this to PLEASE go to my Card Sending website and send a HEARTFELT SYMPATHY card to Alex and his family...this card will be of NO COST to you...all that I am asking is that you set up the gift account, and send the card, i will be paying for all the cards that are sent to Alex..There are over 15000 cards to choose from and they are actual greeting cards that will be received in the mail
The website is:
If you should have any problems, please contact me: [email protected] or 704-287-3624
Alex Martinez
AA Truck Sleeper
3029 S. Main Street
Ft Worth, Texas 76110

Thanks for your time...


Staff member
We have met Alex several times at trucks shows and have really enjoyed him. What a sad situation. I will check out the cards and send out one. Thanks for posting this info.


Seasoned Expediter
Alex is a hard working man and takes PRIDE in the craftsmanship that he does///if you have any questions, please send me an email or pm or you can call, if i do not answer, please leave a message an i will return the call as soon as i can.....and you are welcome ...i am hoping to fill AA sleepers mailbox with cards for alex...i know that it will not bring his son back, but at least we can all show that we are caring people.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's a done deed. never met him but, no one deserves what happened to him, such a complete total waste of life. Hugs to his entire family,friends.