A one world Country?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is no way this will work without ceding far too much from our Constitution and our sovereignty to others. We have already traveled too far down that path. We need to expel the U.N., immediately freeze out the criminal aliens, lock the borders and return to what the United States are supposed to be. No matter what possible benefits there might be, the cost is too high.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
"How could we the U.S. Benefit? Why would some think this could work?"

There is no direct benefit unless we were in charge and we eliminate the UN completely. Outside of that, we are already fighting things like open trade, open borders and as Leo pointed out that we would be "ceding far too much from our Constitution and our sovereignty to others".

I think that many who like the idea, especially in our institutes of higher learning, fail to really see what this leads to in the end, there has to be a centralize political system that can control people and cross over across many cultures and races. It was already tried in the '20s under some guy name Stalin and this led to one of the most horrific parts of the history of man kind.

The other part of that equation is the idea that the freedoms we have today would exist if this would happen, they would not. We would literally be stepping back into Soviet Russia at the height of the 'night terror' campaign post war. and part of this is the fact that the first to go would not be the people like Leo, you or I but the academia elite in the country - they would be sought out and liquidated.