A family on the road


Veteran Expediter
I am parked in Wyoming just resting at one of those road side stops and a Swift truck pulls up behind me.

They all unloaded, about 8 of them, 2 adults and 6 kids. I can not understand why anyone would have 6 kids with them on the road like that. A couple of the older ones climbed over the fence and chased the cattle.

So I stopped for the night in Rawson Wyoming and here is another truck with 5 kids and 2 dogs.

When I was in Tennessee, I saw a bus load of Mexicians pull into a Wal-Mart, there was three families living in the bus, but these two were not mexicians at all.

Is this a western thing?


Not a Member
Careful Greg,
I am from Tennessee and I would love to stay and swap banter but my sister just called and it seems we have a marriage counseling appointment tomorrow...
PS..We were married in Michigan.


Veteran Expediter
Oh Michael, I was going to comment about sheep being a western thing, but I think you and your sister have it covered. If you get a chance ask your counselor what I should buy my Daaaaady for Father's Day.



Veteran Expediter
Your father doesn't want you to buy him anything. He just wants you to take the time to call him on the phone and wish him "Happy Fathers Daaaaay".
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
We have very good freinds from the east side of Tennessee where this happened (I was passing through their town and stopped at the Wal-Mart) and they are flooded by Mexicians.

So it is not a slam on the people of Tennessee or Mexicians who immigrated here legally but the people who have invaded the state.