255,000 Chinese Made Tires Recalled

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
I have not been affected by it,but when is America going to wake up and stop buying this Chinese crap.

Just this year alone they have killed many of our pets due to inferior ingredients in dog and cat food,and then it was discovered that there is lead in childrens toys.

It's tame to boycott this cheap and dangerous merchandise and send the message that if you want to sell your products here it had better be checked for quality and safety.DD.x( x(


Veteran Expediter
Agree with Doggie,

Americans just no longer care to work in Factories or is it Factory work no longer pays enough to make a decent wage?

Americans generally will purchase the cheapest product on the shelf. Over my life I have always tried to buy the highest quality item. I am finding this is an expesnive lesson, as tech. changes and the expesive item turns obsolite?

This THROW AWAY society we live in just baffles me. It is cheaper to throw it out and purchase new than to FIX. The culpert CHEAP LABOR in 3rd World Countries, finding every corner to save a penny or 10th of a penny. W A L M A R T and other big box stores.

I thought I heard that this toy mistake it took over 10 toys painted to just get a savings of .01 cent. Now thats really budgeting things cheap. METAL put it out to bid, and look what they got. It is nothing but a game to big Business to Generate $ and cut, all costs. Quality and a reputation means very little, until someone gets hurt and its still a game, they really hope (big Business) that you die instead of being disabled cause its cheaper for a death benefit than a living disabled person.

But WE AMERICANS demand the cheapest, of cheap merchandise we can get. But we Americans will pay VISA 18% for years and years and years on that toy. Maybee not you, but someone is. The jobs we have lost is just mind boggling to me.

Just use Toy Manufactures for example. Wyndott Toy Company back in the early 1900s employed hundreds of people. Had one of the highest reputations for Metal Toys. Today Wyndott is out of business, why CHEAP LABOR over seas driven by the demand of dispoable Toys rather than a quality Toy that could be passed down from generation to generation. Today one of those in good shape will fetch thousands of dollars, generally good condition $100.00 they held up did not break a child could get years of satisfaction out of a dump truck toy. Now these new toys are disposable, the new toys will never have a antique value to them. This does not mean that someone will try there best to pawn todays toys off as Collectables but the old toys are soaring in values as true Antiques, and this is a hobby of mine Antique Toys, 10 years ago I could get a Good 25 year old Tonka Dozer for $15.00 today, its as high as $200.00 should of rented storeage and bought up as many as I could of found. Today well, glasd I got what I got when I got it.

I know its Ranting, but its also costing us jobs, and US jobs would equal more loads for all of us.


Veteran Expediter
Doggie Daddy says he has not been affected by all of this cheap China crap. The reason for that is that as grandparents, we dropped out. That's right, we dropped out of the bigger, better, best, most popular toy on the market to be thrown out with the next spring cleaning if not before.

The frustration of watching the "throw away" generation throw your hard-earned money out with the trash led us to the decision to go with savings bonds. We could give cash but most times cash= more cheap toys. I realize that there are better ways to invest for your grandchildren and if we were wealthy we'd take another avenue. Such as it is, we bought each and every one a safety box a few years ago with their first bond in it and now on birthdays and Christmas they get "more money". I know it's not as thrilling right now as opening a gift-wrapped favorite toy but years down the line when that toy is rotting in some landfill, those bonds might bring a smile to a young adult's life.

So go ahead China and pawn your inferior crap off on the unsuspecting American public. I'll take this opportunity and any other that I see to "drop out" of this foolishness.


Veteran Expediter
Oops, didn't mean to get off topic. The tires come as no suprise, actually nothing should suprise us at this point. The list just gets longer and longer and it sure doesn't seem like the average person can do anything about it but to boycott the products.

When we were kids it was that Japanese "crap". Don't know if their product was actually inferior or the sentiment was left over from WWII. Somehow they managed to turn that around and produce some of the finest, most dependable products out there today.....suppose there's any hope for.......nah, forget it.