dakota, where do you stay overnite? does ceva pay enough to clc it?
I have to stay at motels, to be honest, no they don't pay enough.
The problem is, once I drop off the load, they can rarely get me a load back home and it's not like I can keep getting motel rooms. I am slowly learning and now ask for extra money up front and also ask for deadhead pay back home, I'd much rather have a load back. So basically my pay gets cut in half and I can't run a straight truck for half the rate.
Yes, I was warned by a few here that Ceva is mostly a one way company. I try to do mostly local work since it pays me better and I am home every night.
I learned the hard way that some of these runs do not pay as I end up running it and after expenses end up with next to nothing for my time.
Now that diesel has gone up nearly 35 cents I'm gonna have to get pickier on what I accept.