Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the model T Ford. Don't have to tell everyone that the automobile and Henry Ford has had a big influence on this country and the way it runs today. Looking at a few facts about the model T made me wonder how far we have come. One was that the T got 13 to 21 mpg, not much change there, would run on ethanol as well as gasoline but ethanol lost out during the prohibition era, gasoline became king. I think we are on the edge of a new revolution in transportation in this country, would be nice to still be around to see what happens. Would like to think that one could travel without taking a chance of being killed everytime you turn the key and pull out on the road. In my opinion traffic is out of control out there, maybe need to rethink how we transport ourselves than the American dream of the automobile and the love affair with it. With that said my first car was a 1951 Chevorlet Coupe Deluxe, man was I in love with that car, it was true freedom to get in the Chevy and go anywhere anytime I wanted. It will be hard to replace that feeling.