1 of 570 graduates from great lakes


Moderator Emeritus
with his mother and father



he is a total alien now. worries about lint on his uni, instead of pizza for graduation he wanted veggies, he has admitted that he started praying before meals to get him thru boot camp and he is even more appreciative of his mother and father...........and stepdad.

we are very proud of carl. he looked for things to do after high school and finally after making a cross country trip and living the same way in cali he did in wisc he decided it was time to enlist.


Moderator Emeritus
Congratulations! What's his rate?

e-3. waiting on schooling. not enough e.t instructors. he was told 18 mo at grt lakes but it might be longer. he is stoked at the current re-up bonus in 6 years. keepin a positive attitude and eager to do whatever needs to be done. this from a child who could not clean his room but evidently knows how to strip and wax a floor


Seasoned Expediter
Well My neightbor to the North in Racine. Tell your son He makes all of us proud. Tell him Thank You for sacraficing for us In the Unitied States of america. To serve and protect us.To give us all the rights that we get to enjoy.May he be Blessed and keep safe.In fact Thank you to All ,The Military people who will be gone this Holiday season.May you all be safe, and your familys blessed.I dont have to tell you Jack to be Proud as A picture is worth a million words.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Brings back some bittersweet memories. Great Lakes Jan. 1962, bitter cold, marching for hours. Classroom training and if the man on either side of you fell asleep, he was not punished, you were given pushups. Great motivator to keep your buddies awake. It was a life changing experience, go in a boy, come out a man. Best education a 17 year old could have. Learned individual responsibility, and at the same time, how to work as a team. I wish him nothing but good thinks in his career. I am so proud of my son, two hitches in the Marine Corps, taught hand to hand combat at Camp Pendelton.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
I to went to USN boot camp the summer of 1966, in San Diego, then to Memphis, then to Pensacola fl, best duty station was Pensacola fl. Then I went to Miramar, ca, then to Vietnam in 1969 to 1970 aboard the USS Constellation, CVA64. The summer of 1970 I came home to Tennessee..I had a good time in the Navy, saw Japan, China, and the Philippines........good luck to u,,Sky