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  1. M

    FSC and other expenses

    I am having trouble calculating expenses. I have a couple questions about how to calculate an estimate of my costs of operating a Tractor Trailer. 1.) How is fuel surcharge paid to O/O? Is it paid in more cents per mile or just a flat rate based on the load or what? 2.) What about ins...
  2. M

    Purchasing a Tractor

    First I just want to thank everyone for there straightforward and from the gut answers to previous questions. I am wondering what do most companies require for Tractors as far as age limitations? I am also wondering if I purchase a Tractor that is 5-7 years old and has ballpark 400-700K miles on...
  3. M

    Several Questions?

    OK, I am a green pea (at expediting) but I have driven professionally for a while. I thought I wanted to get into expediting but after researching a little bit more not so sure. Hopefully some of you who can answer a few questions for me. Here goes. 1. If I have my own tractor and lease on...
  4. M

    Newbie Needs Guidance! Need info on companies.

    Hello, I drove a T/T OTR and have been out of the truck for 6 years. I am looking for a job as a straight truck driver. I have talked to several O/O on here recently and I am starting to get confused and not sure what to believe. I am looking to drive for an O/O. Most O/O have told me that they...