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  1. W

    Hit by 18 wheeler in AR, damage to look for.

    My Driver was driving in the ice covered roads of AR trying to get to a truck stop. The roads were very bad and he was in the slow lane with his flashers on. A 18 wheeler, I will not give the name of the company, because it not the companies fault, but the drivers fault. The speed this driver...
  2. W

    vans weight station states questions

    Does anybody know what states require vans to stop at coops/and does Canada require weight station stops and a seperation between sleeper and cargo area:7
  3. W

    Sprinter 9ft w/sleeper, 13 ft without ?

    I was wondering if I could get some impute on sprinter vans. I am soon to purchase a couple new sprinters for my drivers. They are good drivers and I would like to make life more comfortable. They are currently in E350's with 24" alum-bunk sleeper, no ref or microwave. My question is for van...
  4. W

    Van Teams

    Does anyone know of a company that actually uses team drivers in vans? Have team that is wanting to run 2500 miles a week, but do not know of any that run that much a week.