Search results

  1. DreamTeam44

    Panther First In First Out Rules

    Question for any experienced or with knowledge of the priority system of being next in line for UR expedited loads 4 Panther. Does the system differentiate between types of trucks in an area, I assume first Sprinter Van, or first Straight Box, or first Tractor-'53 Trailer are in seperate...
  2. DreamTeam44

    Opinion on Company getting Plates 4 Tractor??!!!! today we were going to make a date for orientation, the recruiter we have been talking to for 2 weeks told us they will take care of red tape & provide our plate, easier for us as we pay back company per week on settlements until paid.....We have checked into doing this in our state for...
  3. DreamTeam44

    What is your cost 2 run per mile?

    One of the several reasons why we are jumping into the expedited business is an attempt to make a positive jump in our per mile profit. Have you figured out what your cost is to run your rig per mile? What are all the cost factors you include on top of the fuel and MPG, if you reply, please list...
  4. DreamTeam44

    Health Insurance in the Expedited Game

    As some of you have noticed we are in the middle of a 3 week break from current lease trying to determine what Expedited company to lease with, assuming we make the leap from our current average of 86 cents a mile @ 6000 miles WK dedicated routes. One of our tasks is to include all of our costs...
  5. DreamTeam44

    Panther people! Talk to us

    We have been unsuccessful at getting any information on leasing to Panther with a BIG TRUCK, looks like most of you expediters here with Panther are of the Sprinter Van, Straight Truck variety. Would any of you have at least a tidbit of info on what we might expect leasing our BIG TRUCK to...