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  1. Doggie Daddy

    Lawrence who were you interviewing?

    Just wondering who you interviewed in the latest issue of Expedite Now, no name is mentioned.
  2. Doggie Daddy

    Is this your truck?

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using EO Forums mobile app
  3. Doggie Daddy

    Blinded by the light

    Has anyone else noticed that the LED's that they are using in emergency vehicles are MUCH brighter now? I can understand the need to be seen, but these new lights will sear your retinas. Case in point, I was on I-57 in IL not long ago and there were 2 ambulances on the shoulder of the road...
  4. Doggie Daddy

    They're baaaack!!

    Just saw Hostess brand Twinkies, Donettes, and chocolate cupcakes on the shelves at Wally world. Can the orange cupcakes be far behind? I think not. :D Sent from my SCH-I545 using EO Forums mobile app
  5. Doggie Daddy

    The natives are getting restless

    I've been keeping up with those extremely happy drivers at Load 1, I can't post on their forum of course but the reading can be interesting at times. It appears to me (as an outsider looking in) that the facade may be developing a few cracks. I guess sitting around too much and getting calls...
  6. Doggie Daddy

    Boeing's new plane

    as seen at SeaTac airport.
  7. Doggie Daddy

    hoping I make it before I retire or worse

    Under my screen name and under senior member, there is a little green box, when I hover over it it says "Doggie Daddy will be famous soon enough". I have been a member of the EO nation for 10 1/2 years now,so I hope I get famous before I head to that big truckstop in the sky.:eek:
  8. Doggie Daddy

    Yeah, they had a little snow in Washinton state

    This photo was taken last thursday night in Cle Elum,WA., on our way to the Seattle-Tacoma area.
  9. Doggie Daddy

    Fedex logo change back on track

    It seems that all of the problems of the logo change have been worked out, and the entire fleet should be rebranded "Landstar" by the first of the year. :D:D:D
  10. Doggie Daddy

    September location and banter thread,with no location or banter.

    I'll start it off **********
  11. Doggie Daddy

    back to normal

    Judging from the recent posts,it looks like things are back to normal here on EO. It seems every year at expo time everyone is so happy and nice to everyone,and we are all one big happy family. Then about a week goes by and 1 or 2 "family" members makes an off color remark or two and BOOM we...
  12. Doggie Daddy

    "Stuff" Happens

    With all of us out on the nations highways just doing our jobs,it is inevitable that we will be right in the middle of breaking news stories or at least very near them. This has happened to us more than a couple of times in the 7 years that we have been doing this,with the most notable being...
  13. Doggie Daddy

    Goodbye CLC card

    We have stopped using our CLC (Corporate lodging card) card,starting at the beginning of this year. We just got tired of calling places listed in their book and having them tell us that they no longer take the CLC. And this is with keeping updated on new versions of their listings. Due to...
  14. Doggie Daddy

    Where is Alborado?

    Just because everyone is asking where everyone is.
  15. Doggie Daddy

    Did I miss something?

    I've been on the I-75 corridor between Toledo and Detroit the last 2 days and noticed something strange. As you know this section of highway is loaded with Daimler Chrysler t/t's,and I saw several of the trailers with the Daimler name removed. What gives?
  16. Doggie Daddy

    Need a good laugh ?

    If you are looking for a good laugh,try reading the EO classifieds under available teams. Some of the conditions that these people put out there,range from absurd to highly ridiculous.
  17. Doggie Daddy

    How's your weather?

    We have 8" to 10" on the ground right now in northeast Ohio,and they are expecting another 8" to 12" today We are at home and not having to deal with it,but yesterday was a different story.Had a short run from from Cuyahoga Falls,Ohio to Jamestown,N.Y..With the deadhead this was just under 400...
  18. Doggie Daddy

    The colonol gets a makeover

    NO,not OUR colonol!!.I'm talking about Colonol Harland Sanders of Kentucky fried chicken fame. This man has been dead since 1980,but is getting younger by the minute.I started noticing this on advertising signs in Georgia and Florida about 2 months ago,and now it is slowly creeping northward...
  19. Doggie Daddy

    Has anyone else seen it?

    We had a load that delivered in lower manhatten last week,and as we were exiting the city we saw a most unusual sign. It was on I-278(staten island expressway) heading west just before the verrazano narrows bridge. NOW LEAVING BROOKLYN,FUGEDDABOUTIT. :7 :7
  20. Doggie Daddy


    >And if history has taught us anything,it's that EO >has,does,and will continue to allow truck dealers that >practice unscrupulous and yes unlawful business practices to >continue to advertise on this site. DoggieDaddy, Actually, your history has shown that you have a tendency to make...