Search results

  1. ebsprintin

    missing expo thread

    What happened to the thread Jenny started about who is going to the expo? I'm not all that sure about its details, because I was going to revisit it later. Now it's gone? Or was I dreaming? eb
  2. ebsprintin

    eb's FAQ

    This thread is my personal list of must read topics. I've modeled it after greg's suggestion for a current faq list. I will link to threads and specific posts that I think are of benefit to the general membership, but biased towards vans...
  3. ebsprintin

    using and searching the forum

    As a service to my fellow forum users and to maybe help Jack's nerves (my own as well), I have beefed up my signature line. eb
  4. ebsprintin

    trucker hand signals

    May need some help from old timers on this one. Does anyone know the hand signal for smoking/hot brakes? I know the middle finger sign and the sign for flat tire, but today I needed the smoking brake signal for an unsuspecting smoker. eb
  5. ebsprintin

    deer strike survey

    Seems to be a lot of first hand experiences with deer strikes this season. Would those involved or those knowing some of the details be willing to share some of the nonpersonal details like time of day, visibility, type of roads, at what point did the driver first see the deer...? eb
  6. ebsprintin

    running the holidays

    Who plans to stay out on the road the next couple weeks? I might move close to where family and friends live, but I plan to stay available. At my first pick up of the day, they said they will probably be working on Christmas eve. Sounds good to me. eb
  7. ebsprintin

    tab search

    Old dog, new trick. When searching topics I frequently have problems with searches that return no hits. One big reason is that some words are too short. Oil and van are a couple examples. For some reason I have been overlooking the Search by Tab feature within advanced search. Oil and van...
  8. ebsprintin

    at our convenience

    Excerpt from latest message from the company--"The first Q&A session will be recorded on February 18, 2008 and will be available on the owner and driver web so you can listen at our convenience." Fine, I'm sure they meant to say "your". And I'm not going to make this a direct Panther bash...
  9. ebsprintin

    daul careerists

    Yes, time on my hands too. I've been wondering what kind of alternate careers people around here have. From passing comments I think there are at least writers, stock traders, reservists...? One of my alternate titles is "artist". I'm a part member of an artist-run gallery. My time off is...