Search results

  1. Jack_Berry

    kindle or nook or...ipad?

    last nite after dinner the boys asked us what we thought of getting a kindle or nook or ipad as an e-book reader. what experience do you folks have? found the e book reader thread. has anyone experienced their new books being removed from their kindles? just found this cnet review of...
  2. Jack_Berry

    bought a garmin

    the magellan is oos. the power couple plug receiver has retreated into the unit. no screw driver to take it apart so a new garmin 1450 from walmart replaced it. after one run we really like it. features like: the sctreen is larger than the big magellan. larger easy to read numbers. the arrows...
  3. Jack_Berry

    Gps mileage

    when i look into the directions for a delivery my magellan breaks distances in seperate i-40 50, i-40 25, i-40 50 and i-80 63, i-80 47, i-80 23. is there a gps that just shows the breakdown like i-40 125, i-80 i-80 123? how does your do this? what brand and model?
  4. Jack_Berry

    speed setting on a gps?

    does anyone have a gps that allows them to set their speed rather than using the speed limit of the interstate they are traveling?
  5. Jack_Berry

    phones and service

    run out and get the jan 2010 issue of counsumer reports. covers about 70 phones and the big three networks. tried to read it in the dr. ofc this a.m. but had called in immediately.
  6. Jack_Berry

    satellite radio

    got xm in the truck. i like many stations but the killer of the system is that i am always hunting for an available freq to use when near large cities, even some smal cities, to use the xm system. is there an automatic system to have IT look for the available freqs? do i need to get an xm...