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  1. Falligator

    Breaking News: The Romney campaign announces Paul Ryan will be the VP running mate.

    Don't get all giddy about it. I think Chris Christy would have been a better choice!
  2. Falligator

    Republicans who think that "Most" Americans don't want taxes raised.

    Okay, so I am watching CNN and I see Republicans who say that most Americans don't want to see their taxes raised. However, there is a poll where 66% of Americans support a budget deal with a mix of tax increases or (cutting loopholes). I tried and tried to comprehend who the Republicans are...
  3. Falligator

    Shame on congress and Obama!!!!

    It's a crying shame! Congress can pay themselves but not our fighting men and women with families! Shame for sticking politics before families. There is a time for debate and a time for passing a budget. If congress wasn't paid we wouldn't have a government shutdown. For you Republicans who...
  4. Falligator

    Redneck Roadsynes

    Any of ya'll had experiences with hillariously funny roadsigns? I was going up I65 today and just to the south of mm86 on the East side there is a roadsign which I may have read wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the sign said "Used Cows for Sale". Another instance, I was going down US30 when you...
  5. Falligator

    Sittin but at least Warm in Birmingham

    Just got done with a load going to Saltillo, MS that dropped this morning. Wow, listening to those thunderstorms sure did make me sleep a little easier...It would have been better if it wasn't for the darn sinuses. Hoping this wam air will clear me up a bit, but at least I don't have to idle...
  6. Falligator

    What is your favorite Truck Stop or layover?

    This is a thread that has probably been posted before in the archives but What is your favorite truck stop or layover area? Do you have a favorite campground? I was recently in Virginia last week and found a nice campground on the beach by Ft. Story off of state route 60 called First Landing...