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  1. Steady Eddie

    Oh NO!!

    Barry is giving a Speech....There goes Wall Street!
  2. Steady Eddie

    Strange Words over 200 years ago?- Apply today- What insight

    But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient...
  3. Steady Eddie

    Barry- Stop Talking Please!!!!

    Wall Street will go nuts Friday in response to Barry's rambling..... Here we GO! and go and go....he needs to learn just shut-up.
  4. Steady Eddie

    I Believe-

    I Believe: In America and for which we stand In God In Family In Best friends, even when they are no longer with us That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone That James Earl Ray acted alone That Elvis is dead- however, in August you can see him often at the Krispy Kream in Memphis down the...
  5. Steady Eddie

    Quantitative Easing Explained

    Funny YouTube - Quantitative Easing Explained
  6. Steady Eddie

    Barry scare's Me, by Lou Pritchett

    Lou Pritchett is one of Corporate America's true living legends, a highly respected, acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in "Change Management". Lou changed the way...
  7. Steady Eddie

    What a "See Through" State of the Union

    Yep, I heard it on the radio! I read somewhere "Barry should say""Ok Folks, I'm listening, Instead of Ok folks listen up!"" In my best barry voice---Blah,.... blah blah ....blahblahblah..... I wish someone would tell him that we are at war, not we are fighting 2 wars! One War Barry, two...
  8. Steady Eddie

    Al Gore

    I googled Al Gore and got this pic....watts up?
  9. Steady Eddie

    D.O.D. Briefs Obama

    The DOD briefed President Obama this morning. They told him that 2 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. The color drained from Obama's face as he collapsed onto his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears. Finally, he composed himself and asked, "Just how many is a...
  10. Steady Eddie

    Well, Just when I thought I heard it all.

    Sitting at the J in Austinburg having my coffee, a woman and her Grand Child came in and sat behind me. Due to the level of the woman’s voice, I could not help but hear what they were talking about. This woman was stating this: We should not directly elect the president. We should elect two...
  11. Steady Eddie

    Grab your 3D Eye Ware for OBAMACARE!

    YouTube - 3 D Halloween Themed Obamacare Ad Patriotic
  12. Steady Eddie

    Third Party is among us.

    Third Party is here to Stay! With the first 100 days of Obama’s rule behind us, I have notice the “Third Party” emerging. 90 percent of current democrats can form this party anytime they want to. Not until, however, they move themselves closer to this party. After all, they need as many...
  13. Steady Eddie

    What a Wise man Reagan was....

    Before Reagan was in any office he made this speech in 1961. It was like he made it yesterday, the man had some insight! YouTube - RONALD REAGAN SPEAKS OUT AGAINST SOCIALIZED MEDICINE & SOCIALISM!! http;// From the 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against...
  14. Steady Eddie

    It;s True- Rush is Right!

    Rush Limbaugh's 35 Undeniable Truths Number 1 is not more or less important than 35 1. There is a distinct singular American culture - rugged individualism and self-reliance - which made America great. 2. The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their wealth; they...
  15. Steady Eddie

    Good Things That Obama has Done

    This is only for the left side of the fourm. Please "Right" let the "Left" answer. I have a need to know: What good things has Obama done for us? All I ever hear is the bad things he has done then the "Left" coming to defend him with Bush this Bush that. If you can, tell me what good things...
  16. Steady Eddie

    "Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by Pam Geller

    "Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by David Kaiser "Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by David Kaiser I am a student of history. Professionally. I have written 15 books in six languages, and have studied it all my life. I think there is something monumentally...