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  1. runrunner


    What Do the Koch Brothers Want? - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont What do you think?
  2. runrunner

    What would war with Russia look like?

    What would a U.S.-Russia war look like? - The Week
  3. runrunner

    Ancient Aliens?

    What if it were true? 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia |Higher Perspective
  4. runrunner

    Trillion Dollar Coin

    Some may remember this,but either way it is an interesting read,you will learn much if you take the time. Trillion dollar coin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. runrunner

    The truth about the Zimmerman case!

    First let me say this I believe in the right to bear arms,and I think the more people have carry permits the better. I should say responsible people. Also I believe in our justice system and I except the not guilty verdict. The jury decided not guilty on the way the case was presented to...
  6. runrunner

    FedEx CEO

    Interesting read . Frederick W. Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. runrunner

    Economy Fixed

    Fixing the Economy is simple but will most likely never happen but I hope I am wrong. Wonder how many will read this? Sure will be interesting to hear opinions. How To Fix The Economy... In One Simple Chart - Business Insider
  8. runrunner


    Based on this artical who's fault is it that our economy is slow? Corporate Profits Return To Prerecession Levels, But Job Growth And Investment Remain Weak
  9. runrunner

    Romney as Commander and Chief

    I'm interested in others opinons. I wonder how Romney would handle foreign policy if elected commader and chief of our armed forces. I was once baptized as a mormon and know that it is against there belief to take up arms and go to war. During Viet Nam they registered for the draft as...