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  1. T


    I have a idea. my fellow banterers please tellme what you think about this. 1-for hard core bantering. no not xxx. use the monthly location thread. 2-members start at their pleasure short or long term banter threads. 3-other threads banter litely. 4-people who start...
  2. T

    why have threads

    What's cool about this site is it doesn't force anyone to click on certain threads if ya don't like it stay the HE double hockey sticks out - - If going on this train of thought why do we have this thing we call threads. why not just post anything any time. maybe because different members...
  3. T

    lawrence 2

    where was thread moved to and why
  4. T


    hey lawrence i have a question for you. this year there have been several members complain about threads being lets say hijacted by other members. could there be away that a thread starter could have any poster to his thread be moved whenever thread starter thought it wasnt relevant to his...
  5. T

    vhv k. hk hh

    ihvihviyvb ihvih h h u