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  1. G

    Contacting PII council members

    Now that Panther has a Driver's Council - how do the driversmake their need known to them? I woul love to see my concerns raised at a management level. One current one (the one that is currently frying my shorts) deals with Macro 6 - "Out of Truck on Pager", today marks the 3rd or 4th time we...
  2. G

    Cherry Picking?

    RE: Cherry Picking? / Star Trek loads As for Star Trek loads: we have gotten burned by them when we where stupid enough to accept them. When we had a single rear axle truck, we would get to the shipper and the load would be way too much for us. Can you say Dry Run?? Also we have gotten...
  3. G

    Cherry Picking?

    Just what constituted "Cherry Picking"? Me and my Partener pick and choose our loads. We don't automatically take whatever comes over the QC, just because it is offered. Some offers we do jump on ASAP - those are the "no-brainers". Others we decline or refuse. Those mostly are the: GARBAGE...