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  1. C

    FEDEX SOLO's How do you like it?

    So I really need to switch the company I work for. I drive a straight truck. Ive talked with recruiters but i prefer to hear from the people behind the wheel. I need someone who will work for me or atleast with me unlike my current company. I'd like to hear from solo's but I will have a team...
  2. C

    panther dead zones

    >>Scootr... I like your posts, and am glad you're on here >>answering questions related to Panther. However, to say >>there's no favoritism at your company is like saying there's >>no government corruption. I won't go into details unless you >>want me to. And, I'm not saying it's rampant...
  3. C

    panther dead zones

    >>Well, I'm not a Panther owner. I have friends and family >>that are with Panther. My friends seem to do well with >>Panther and FedEx. They have trucks on at both places. >>Others had trucks on with Panther and now there with FedEx >>and some had trucks on with FedEx and now there on with...
  4. C

    panther dead zones

    >Ditto, fantastic post Shredder! I too used to drive vending >routes some years ago.I had a seat full of maps and even >called pizza delivery shops if I had issues with certain >addresses. When I started with Panther there were no >automated directions. Drivers' rarely called in for them...
  5. C

    looking to move my truck to smaller company need s

    RE: looking to move my truck to smaller company ne I could not whole heartedly recommend panther2, ive been with them, your luckily to get paid in a timely manner, you get mistreated by there dispatch, they threatened me with a suspension and possible firing simply cuz i would take a 76 mile...