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  1. B


    I'm w/you Leo. True professionals run legal and compliant and operate safe vehicles. Add the EOR's that will be mandatory for all trucks down the road and it is seems very Orwellian. Soon they will know when we use the Pett. My two-fold gripe is the outlaws in the industry that cause the...
  2. B


    I like the Pett. Expensive but takes up little space. You can have the liner, dry chemicals and disposal bag set up then fold it back up. It also travels very well when set up. Won't tip, splash, no odors, etc. It only takes about 5-10 seconds to pull the curtains, snap the legs down and...
  3. B

    Decal Removel

    They make an eraser wheel that fits in a drill. It works well on stubborn decals and stickers. It gets the vinyl and glue off. Works just like a pencil eraser (same material). Just don't stay in one spot and bear down long and you won't burn the paint. I got mine at at a Pittsburg Paint...