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  1. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    My comment about facts being pesky things had nothing to do with the link cheri posted (which I didn't even read) - it was in reference to an earlier post. Just an FYI.
  2. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    sr, Here's a little tidbit about how the organization and authors of the article you linked are viewed from at least one Jewish perspective: The Anti-Semitic "Messianic" Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree
  3. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    Unfortunately, the article contains a number of misrepresentations of actual facts - in just the first couple of paragraphs - that are easily verified as distortions or misrepresentations of the truth, so as to render it as not credible. Of course, that probably isn't anything the ignorant and...
  4. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Facts are pesky things ...
  5. RLENT

    A Political Outsider With A Brain.

    Good Lord ...
  6. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Donald Trump Takes Bold Stand Against Hitler Barf ... please stop touching yourself ...
  7. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Stop touching yourself ... you'll go blind ...
  8. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Donald Trump Gives YOOOGE ***** To Stupid Racist Americans
  9. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    Mischaracterization of the actual situation ... probably based on ignorance of the type found on right-wing whack-a-doodle websites ....
  10. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    Not really ... The agreement (and Iran's adoption of The Additional Protocol) provide a way for Iran to demonstrate their good faith and willingness to subject themselves to international standards that are agreed upon by the international community as a whole. And that is really what some are...
  11. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    First off, it isn't a treaty ... it's a multi-lateral executive agreement. Secondly, as part of that agreement, Iran will adopt and ratify, the Additional Protocol to the NNPT (which is a treaty) - and agree to follow and abide by its terms from the outset - even before formal adoption and...
  12. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Assuming that she lasts that long, and he doesn't end up trading her in on a new model, then yes ...
  13. RLENT

    Planned Parenthood's Problem vs. Capitalism

    Tread the linkages below with caution - you have been forewarned: Fox News ******* Greg Gutfeld Will Keep Fetuses In Wastebaskets Where They Belong Rick Santorum Knows Fetuses Are Cuddle Buddies, Not 'Medical Research' ... Ben Carson ... who knew ?
  14. RLENT

    Banned From The Soapbox Forum

    Is that how the barn door to the Moderators Forum got left open the other day ?
  15. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Sorry, Wisconsin, Gov. Walker Just Blew Your Last $400 Million On A Sportsball Arena
  16. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    In other Trump-related news: Megyn Kelly Gives Ted Nugent Cat Scratch Fever, In His *****
  17. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    O' ye of tender sensitivities, click not below ... Donald Trump: Why Was Megyn Kelly Moderating A Debate Instead Of In The Blood Hut? Donald Trump Pretty Sure Bleeder Megyn Kelly Is The One Who Should Say Sorry If You Think Donald Trump Said Megyn Kelly Was Bleeding From Her Hoo-Ha, You’re A Nazi
  18. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    I don't really have an opinion myself on what he actually meant, but I wouldn't terribly surprised if it is as some infer ... Given that I have in the past publicly referred to her myself as "The Virginal Queen of Immaculate Thighs" ... no, not really ...
  19. RLENT

    Planned Parenthood's Problem vs. Capitalism

    But it's not religiously-motivated "crisis pregnancy counseling", correct ? If a client asks for a referral to an abortion provider for an abortion, will your clinic provide it ? Just trying to get an understanding and get a handle on what this clinic of yours exactly is ... you know: ... in...
  20. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Might be his inherently crude nature ... Apparently an idea of what he might be referring to was perceived by a number of folks ... conservatives even ...: The Most Interesting Thing About Trump's Statements Today