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  1. B

    Mad at the U.S.

    We all are or are we? This post will get me up off my to send and call my Congress ladies attention. 65% of Americans do not like these Bail Outs. If you feel + or - CONTACT THEM. They really need to know, just complaining for me or others to read = Who Gives a ITZ we do not...
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    Who is at Fault?

    The Bankers, Insurance Co. Crooks! Are they really? The other post is really good read: The real Crook? People who without an Attorney at a closing table with so much put in front of them that they Ignored every RED Flag and continued to be GREEDY knowing that if they did not buy TODAY...
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    This could go into a different Topic Heading: I feel its just to important for most not to view: How many times have you been in a conversation or over heard (maybee even you believe this) ITS ALL BUSH's fault HE IS GETTING RICH and so are his Oil Buddies: Do you really BELIEVE THAT...
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    Next Terrorist Attack

    Just maybee it will never happen again in our life time? I am more of a realist, I heard on the 8PM news about plans our enemy is making for some kinda of attack here in the U.S. This after someone very close to me called me the day before telling me the same thing, that Homeland Security...
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    Who to vote for?

    In the next election TRY KEEPING THIS IN MIND. Do you want your Government Working For Us? or Do YOU WANT TO WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT? You answer when you vote.
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    Death Penelity

    I ask this cause of the question asked about Conceled Weapons and the example I gave. Yes a Teacher has that right but local laws say NO. But what is the difference? I was forced to participate in a Federal Court Case on only deciding Life or Death. So whats the difference this guy was...
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    XM 165 evenings Bruce Williams

    Subject of Health Insurance A Vietnam Vet called in with an intresting point. Want to really see what National Health Insurance will be like? Look up how the Veterans Adminstration does it. Heard any good news on how they handle things? That is how he put it, IT WOULD BE. Is this what we...
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    What in the World is or could be the Benefit of denoucing what happened there almost 100 years ago gona benfit? We have now ##### off a Country that is important to us. For what? War = Death this country is looking backwards not forward any more. God Help us.
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    The War in Iraq

    Hate people in Iraq? When they come over here to live, how do they feel that the Far Right is right by blowing up there citizens? Do they really support it or do they hate this? I will not deny I do not care for this race of people, but it has occured or happened more than once with talking...
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    Our USA

    Does it not seem apparent that Uncle Sam has turned his back on us? We are at War and yet we have failed to secure our borders. Not only that but the USA seems to encourage this influx of illegals to continue to be welcomed. Not by the citizens but by the Govt. We as people seem to tolerate...
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    A one world Country?

    How could we the U.S. Benefit? Why would some think this could work?
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    Personal Pride/Grooming Habits

    Van Drivers have a more difficult time taking showers etc.. Than C D E units. Thats a given. But I ask this question spending $9.00 every three or four days is this asking to much? Are the dollars so tight in this business that one cannot afford the luxury of hot or cold running water to...
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    Do we hire them to make suggestions or to think for us? I am serious, I was wondering what your comments might be. Just an observation of late, I hear them telling us what we need but I never ever hear them listening to people who have more expirence in a field or on a subject than they would...
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    No one to take this serious!!!!

    After my little expierence two weeks ago on I-70 knowing I should have seen many more negative bumper stickers on why Bush is a Crook, Impeach etc.. etc... This was just a good chuckle. Not one but two different cars at the same intersection in front of me. Do not know if they knew each...
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    You are given the right to be the President for th

    Should be intresting read. Facts on what you will do, without critizing what has been done. The future of the country rest on your shoulders not what Bush, or Clinton have screwed up before.
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    National Health Care

    Ark, makes such a great point here. There was recently a post on this topic, than again the Liberal Lefts vs the Correct Right and now here is the TRUTHFULL TALE. Sorry to bash you Libs, but look how good the system works. No thanks I do not want Libs deciding for me when it comes to Health...
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    Refreshing change of subject.

    Yesterday, walking thru a mall X-mas shopping for my duaghter. The stores all cater the same stuff for teenagers. I felt like a Large Truck in the parking lot of a High School Prom, out of place you get the picture. My Bride exits the store with a bag, along we begin to walk thru the isles of...
  18. B

    Tcall posted earlier about how all guns are bad in

    Its not an exact quote but close. Heard on the radio this morning: Teenage babysitter was in the back yard watching three young children. When she spotted a bear approaching the children she scooped them and ran into the house only to be followed. Locked the door and the bear began...
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    Terroriest Prisoners

    Maybee our Politicians should be truck drivers and heed the advice of the door sticker NO AID OR COMFORT TO THE ENEMEY- NONE-..
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    Chavez vs the World

    Poor guy just aint getting his way. Wants to bad to belong, the rest of the world has shocked me by not letting him, first sensible thing I have ever seen the UN do. Sorry TCall you gotta hate this.