Search results

  1. Falligator

    Is there a way to hook phone up to laptop for internet?

    I'm just wondering if there is a way that I could hook up my Verizon Droid to my laptop and use the 3G internet. I hooked it up to my laptop previously with my phone charger usb cable but I don't know how to access the internet from my laptop. Posted with my Droid EO Forum App
  2. Falligator

    Looking to buy a nice camera.

    I'm looking to buy a nice camera for around 600-700$ anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to be able to change filters, and have great zoom capabilities. I would ask Peter Lik, but I bet he's outta my price range. Lol Posted with my Droid EO Forum App
  3. Falligator

    Could there be an iphone app for EO?!

    I was just sittin here thinking it would be very cool if EO could make an app for the newer phones? Would this be a possibility? Just a thought!;)