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  1. fastman_1

    Y'all can remove me

    I've left the building you can now take away my posting privilege Sent from lost in space.
  2. fastman_1

    Early morning calls

    These early morning phone calls from dispatch checking our location and status, needs to stop! Nothing worse being woke up to answer a stupid question, if it says I'm in service wherever I happen to be at, why do you need to confirm that? Shouldn't they be watching and bidding on loads! Thank...
  3. fastman_1


    I take it the phones are down?
  4. fastman_1

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Belated Birthday Mr. Super Safety Man,
  5. fastman_1


    Seems to be a lot of crickets in here!
  6. fastman_1

    Load info

    Once again I'm wasting time, waiting for dispatch to get me a pick up number, why is it so hard to get all the load info the first time?
  7. fastman_1

    Giving phone number to brokers

    Giving my phone number to the broker/customer is pretty much a waste of time. I don't give out load info to anyone but PTL, for security reasons.
  8. fastman_1

    Hard to believe

    Hard to believe no calls for 2 days, not even a bad offer!
  9. fastman_1

    What's in service unconfirmed?

    What's in service unconfirmed mean? How does that happen and why? When I call to go back in service that's what I tell them.
  10. fastman_1

    Drivers Meeting

    It was good to meet some of the Akron Crew, good breakfast and Winner of a Gift Card, Thanks!!
  11. fastman_1

    Reward Points

    Thanks for the heads up that you were killing off the driver reward points.. I lost 47,000 points!
  12. fastman_1


    I assume the phones are down again? Update: they are working again
  13. fastman_1

    And Again,

    Missed a call last night at 11:45 pm on my cell phone, I 'm home in bed...why no call to the landline??? I thought this problem was fixed!
  14. fastman_1


    Trying to call dispatch to go back into service, and keep getting a recording that all circuits are busy and try again later?
  15. fastman_1


    I hear crickets! Time for dispatch to make those loads magically appear! Been home since Friday with 1 bad offer.
  16. fastman_1

    Dispatch needs to get more info.

    Can dispatch start asking if the shipper actually has a way to load a cargo van? Went to load today and arrived at the shipper who had no way of loading my van. A 400+ mile run was lost.
  17. fastman_1

    7 days at home

    Today makes 7 days at home, can dispatch get a little more aggressive on bidding loads? Sent from the old truckers home.
  18. fastman_1

    Thanks Dispatch Team

    Just wanted to take a moment and say thanks to the Dispatch Team! Last 3 weeks I've been loaded everyday I was in service(take Weekends Off). Can't ask for anything more. Well I could ask for loads that are more than 300 miles. But I'm making my number for the week so it's all good.
  19. fastman_1

    Back in service

    Back in service after replacing the steering box!
  20. fastman_1

    See ya

    Officially on vacation, see ya on the 26th, hopefully all the bottom feeders will be busy and I can break out of the less than 200 mile load mode.