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  1. OntarioVanMan

    apple didn't fall far from the tree

    My oldest son started hot shotting up here primarily the oil patch... pickup and trailer sometimes a goose neck.. working for an owner... he has finally realized its not a 9-5 job and being called at 2am is the norm. hes started to know what dear old dad did to put food on the table.
  2. OntarioVanMan

    Wow 20 years!

    just got notice I've been here 20yrs now... time passes, so many great and not so great memories of this business! Thanks too many of you to single out for all your support and advice!
  3. OntarioVanMan

    Hurricane Irma

    Just became the strongest recorded winds on record for the Atlantic...hit the Carribeans like a steam roller and didn't even slow down...Latest curve has it coming in bulleyes from the south moving north, dead center of Florida...
  4. OntarioVanMan

    Canadians investing in the US

    I know some invest here and even buy property so this article might be of some interest. Getting U.S. Dollars for Less: What the Banks Aren't Telling Canadians | HuffPost
  5. OntarioVanMan

    If Trump gets his wish....

    Have any considered your future if Trump manages to shutdown a lot of Mexico imports which will also mean exports as well and the effect on expedite? ..almost nothing out of the border towns? You'll all be begging for them, what you chide as shorties, just to make your van payment... This over...
  6. OntarioVanMan

    MAY all your dreams come true!

    May brings spring flowers....:)
  7. OntarioVanMan

    Protesters take control of Mexican border crossing with US

    Be aware of going to border may not get out anytime soon... Protesters take control of Mexican border crossing with US
  8. OntarioVanMan

    Tesla’s Autopilot Vindicated With 40% Drop in Crashes

    another step closer to reality.... Tesla’s Autopilot Vindicated With 40% Drop in Crashes
  9. OntarioVanMan

    Are you getting your discounts?

    I think most people know I am sort of a thrifty person... Copied from FB article As I was waiting in line behind an older gentleman at Wendy's recently,I heard him ask for his senior discount. The girl at the register apologized and charged him less. When I asked the man what the discount was...
  10. OntarioVanMan

    Have rates really dropped all that much?

    In thought...have CV rates really dropped all that much?...I am talking BASE rate now....9 yrs ago at E-1 we were getting .70 for NLM loads and .80 for the rest and $1.05 for a sprinter type load....PLUS a FSC almost as high as .40 back when fuel was almost approaching $5.00 a gallon so in...
  11. OntarioVanMan

    North Carolina

    Be care full where you tread......some rivers have not even crested yet..... The North Carolina Department of Transportation reports multiple closures along highly trafficked I-95 in both directions: exit 73 (US-421) through exit 58 (NC-295) and exit 31 (NC-20) through exit 13 (I-74). I-40 West...
  12. OntarioVanMan

    Jobs, jobs and more jobs are coming to Wilmington.

    Great news for Ohio especially Wilmington area..... Wilmington jobs: 500 new jobs coming to Wilmington thanks to six new companies in the area
  13. OntarioVanMan

    Happy National Cheeseburger Day!

    Happy National Cheeseburger Day! What's your favorite burger topping?
  14. OntarioVanMan

    Split Speeds are back in many states.

    Ok you safety advocates.....with the raising of speed limits in a lot of has had a bad effect on road safety....since many OTR carriers now have their trucks speed about 65 mph or so....we have states like Texas and South Dakota increasing up to 80 mph ....Nebraska at...
  15. OntarioVanMan

    Cargo Van Speedway This months 2,500 bonus points

    Speedway this month 2,500 bonus points for 7 purchases...with speedway card. PLUs the opt in on app of double fuel points.....not only can you save a few bucks but the 2,500 points is like 3 FULL hot dogs! a meal for those of you savers and tight budgets...
  16. OntarioVanMan

    Cargo Van Proposal to Carrier group.

    IMO....wouldn't it be nice if some of these carriers would actually do something to try a help out the struggling van group...and it wouldn't even cost any money?. I would propose a return to the 45mph or 47 mph standard we used to have before someone had the bright Idea to compete on the very...
  17. OntarioVanMan

    My poke of the day!

    Driver goes haywire after learning of new carrier policy....LOL :pokepoke:
  18. OntarioVanMan

    fuelbook credit card

    with Pilot/J .06 off posted cash price 5 loyality points for every gallon 0 transaction fees....... Might be do able for some folks.....:) Home
  19. OntarioVanMan

    The great Give Away

    Turtle made a great statement in a thread and got me thinking..... "Air ride used to be rather rare. So rare that customers would request and pay handsomely for it. It's now getting so ubiquitous that the customer is getting it for free, just like so many other things in this business. I seem...
  20. OntarioVanMan

    Christmas Eve

    Good morning gang....yet another Christmas Eve day has dawned...and those reading this have had the good fortune to persevere this business yet another year! JuJu aka Judy and myself.....Ken aka OVM.....We hope you all have a proftable 2016.... We wish you all a Merry Christmas!