Search results

  1. ATeam

    Why such Doom and Gloom

    Shifting the topic a bit to the attitude toward little trucks said to be held by "many, not all" tractor/trailer drivers, not once in five years has any t/t driver suggested to me, face-to-face or over the CB or even online, that I am a t/t wannabe who can't cut it with a big rig. If someone...
  2. ATeam

    APU in WG FCC ?????

    Diane and I have been WG drivers and owner-operators for five years and have driven trucks with and without generators (APU's). In today's market, we believe a generator is essential. We believe that if we don't have a generator, we don't have a truck. If our generator failed, we would go out...
  3. ATeam

    Why such Doom and Gloom

    I agree. Delays sometimes happen for the reasons described above. More often, it is the case that pickups and deliveries are not delayed. It has happened to us many, many times that we have arrived and been bumped to first in line ahead of others that have been waiting to pick up or deliver. I...
  4. ATeam

    OOPS! It's "4" to Decline

    That's right, DaveKC and Bruno. Too many load offers are driving FedEx Custom Critical drivers crazy. Since the new program was instituted, the entire fleet has turned over three times. If you go to Panther HQ on any given day, you will see dozens of solo drivers and teams, all in FedEx uniform...
  5. ATeam

    OOPS! It's "4" to Decline

    This may be one of those stories that evolved as it was told and re-told. It probably started out as a story told by a wife half of a husband/wife team and there was no pet in the truck at all. ;)
  6. ATeam

    Is the "Crisis" Affecting You?

    In another thread, EASYTRADER described how a credit crunch may affect trucking. While I do not disagree with his description of this potential scenario, I have yet to see any changes on the ground because the bailout bill has failed to pass Congress. Democrats and Republicans are issuing grave...
  7. ATeam

    The Current Crisis

    If factoring dries up as you suggest, would that not be good news for those who lease paid-for trucks to large, non-asset based carriers and have enough money to purchase fuel more than one load at a time? I confess an ignorance of what happens to the run paperwork and billing after we send it...
  8. ATeam

    The Changing Economics of Trucking

    You make a good point about population growth.
  9. ATeam

    Favor from fellow expediters

    Heritage Hills now at 50%. The vote could go either way! Vote now to stop the meltdown!
  10. ATeam

    The Current Crisis

    I went to look at the video and got the message: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Music Group." Bringing the topic closer to home, I'd be interested in hearing what, if anything, expediters are worrying about in the current economic environment; and what, if...
  11. ATeam

    The Changing Economics of Trucking

    Fuel prices have soared in recent years. Truckers pass the costs on to shippers via a fuel surcharge. Shippers suffer a transportation sticker shock of sorts and make changes that are in their best interests. Higher fuel prices prompt them to make changes that would not have been made before...
  12. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    I know. As stated above, we drove D trucks for three years and now a C truck. The results are stated above.
  13. ATeam

    no more FSC...oh my gawd

    As several others have suggested, I would do the same analysis we have always done. Total up the pay that is going to the truck (labor, deahdead, loaded, accessorials, etc.) and compare that number to the pay per mile you need to run your truck. If the pay per mile exceeds your minimum number...
  14. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    I don't want to be harsh, and I would hope that anyone who changed carriers would be excited about the move. Helpful happens when someone provides accurate information, and in this particular case, longevity with the new carrier is not required to provide it. Pushy happens when one takes it on...
  15. ATeam

    How much time do you need to accept a load

    Thank you for being honest and saying you are now moving trucks not for financial reasons but emotional ones. A $300 billing error is something that is easy to fix. But the error is not why you moved. It was because you were upset. Your words, Bruno: "It made my wife so upset we are pulling the...
  16. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    In 2007, there were less than 20 trucks in the FedEx Custom Critical straight truck fleet that produced more revenue than us. I know this because I asked and people who are able to run reports at our carrier told me. They did not give names and I did not ask for them. I asked because I wanted to...
  17. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    You may not have enough info for a month, but you do have enough to answer the question asked. The question was about the best three loads of the nine loads you mentioned. That information you have in hand right now. All of this may be true, but the question is not that complicated. You spoke...
  18. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    Even that kind of comparison would be cloudy because conditions change within carriers, between competing carriers, and in the economy. If a team and truck has an OK year with one carrier and moves to another, and then has a slow year because the economy slowed down, or because it took the team...
  19. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    Thank you, jaminjim. Bruno? Anyone else?
  20. ATeam

    What it's like at Panther

    Nothing could be further from the truth. That fleet owner is someone who talked volumes to us about his circumstances and resons for leaving. I am not unfamiliar with the man and his circumstances. They are not circumstances that enable an easy apples-to-apples comparison. You fail to mention...