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    Easier to buy guns

    If it is difficult to buy books or vegetables in a neighborhood, chances are it's because the crime rate is so high that shopkeepers feel unsafe in opening a store in that particular neighborhood. Maybe there is little or no demand for books or vegetables in a violent neighborhood. Maybe if...
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    Politicly correct?

    I don't know why anyone wants to maintain Winter.
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    Kentucky Wildcats - 2015 baby!

    Kentucky children will attach a basketball rim to just about anything: over a garage door, on a utility pole, a barn wall, a tree, any structure with an overhang is preferred. They will play on dirt courts, learn to dribble through gravel, play with a ball slick with mud and leave their...
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    It's transparent...

    I simply cannot see Hillary Clinton getting the Democratic nomination for her party. 30 years worth of scandals and skeletons in her closet. Plus, her personality and age work against her. Let's hope the Democrats nominate a true patriot, possibly someone with military experience.
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    Cheri, when you say "working hard isn't enough anymore," be reminded that working hard was never enough. Hard work must be accompanied by a plan providing for future needs. Setting aside a small amount of money on a regular basis requires discipline and an understanding of delayed...
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    Anyone participating in a 401(K) or an IRA which invests in mutual funds is already a shareholder. Whether it be a school bus driver or a janitor, if they choose to participate, they're in. Setting aside just a small part of each paycheck over a ten or twenty year period can yield a...
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    In a capitalist, free market economy businesses exist to make a profit. Whatever good or service is provided by a business is simply a means to that end. Moreover, gains or profits belong solely to the business not employees. Want a share of the profits? Become a shareholder. It's easy...
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    Cheri, you're confusing disposable income with discretionary income. That is Econ 101.
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    Income inequality is a laughable leftist rallying cry much like global warming or climate change. It just makes them feel good to talk up a manufactured issue. Individual human beings have varying talents, energy, drive, ambition and success. Accordingly, incomes will vary widely across the...
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    You Sir are and idiot

    The two major political parties have become so polarized that compromise is seen as weakness. On the national level, it began with Obama as he and his cohorts rammed through Obamacare without any consensus whatsoever. Rather than having the good sense to work with all parties involved, Obama's...
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    Israeli Prime Minister to address US Congress.

    At the invitation of the Speaker of the House, Benjamin Netanyahu will address Congress on Tuesday. This has caused considerable discomfort for Barack Obama busily riding his highhorse from golf course to golf course while negotiating a deal legitimizing Iran's nuclear ambitions. Nothing new...
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    Texting and driving deaths

    We need to find a way to disable texting within 3 feet of a steering wheel for a car in motion.
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    You Sir are and idiot

    Scott Walker: good. Ben Carson: very good. Bobby Jindal: better. Rick Perry: ascending. Jeb Bush: uninspiring moderate.
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    You Sir are and idiot

    The average length of an adult's intestines is 25 feet. Massive.
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    You Sir are and idiot

    Moving much faster than the sludge worming its way through your massive intestines.
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    You Sir are and idiot

    Looking at the grammatical error in the title of this thread and pondering true idiocy.
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    The Brian Williams saga.

    Really, what does Bill O'Reilly bring to the table other than bullying his guests? Perhaps, he is a dear friend of Roger Ailes. I am at a loss to see where O'Reilly adds value to FNC.
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    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    Giuliani's remarks have caused a sensation because they hit a raw nerve. Rudy should have spoken so candidly back in 2008 when it could have helped this nation avert the present disaster in the Oval Office. One gets the feeling Obama has nothing but scorn for American patriotism and American...
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    The Brian Williams saga.

    O'Reilly comes across as so obnoxious there will be little to no sympathy for his plight. Bring in some younger, more earnest talent.
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    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    Ysracer, no one on Earth belongs to a cooperative society totaling 7 billion people. It is difficult to get people to cooperate at a traffic light, let alone this "we are the world" collective imagined by some. Competition is omnipresent, cooperation not so much. Co-op smacks too much of...