Maybe I should have worded my response differently, referring to Obama's "black liberation theology". These beliefs that he has do indeed come into play in his decisions and make no mistake, he's totally committed to this philosophy. It lines up with his socialist policies and class warfare. So...
Come on now Cheri, why are you so quick to call Bachmann a moron for the things that she believes? I didn't hear you or anyone else making such comments about Obama's choice of that is steeped in Black Liberation Theology which has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, nor...
Exactly.....I've had an ipod touch for quite some time so I'm familiar with how the iphone works and probably would have bought one when they went to Verizon but NOT AFTER USING THE DROID!!
That would depend on what is included in Sprint's unlimited everything, I'm not familiar with their plans so someone else will have to jump in here and help! ;)
You forgot the hot spot feature....and if you have unlimited now and get a bionic, you can pay an extra $30 a month and use your bionic to power your laptop @ 4G speed......unlimited. Get rid of the air card when the contract is up!:D
The cries of racism should be pointed directly at Obama. That's NOT how he normally speaks so it could only be taken as him stereotyping how he sees THEM talking=RACISM. Who says this racism thing only works one way?
If he visited one of the southern states and spoke with a southern drawl...
He wasn't calling on anyone to stop looking for the government to take care of them, he was calling for them to stop the whining and get back behind him even though they feel that he hasn't done enough for them. Oh and let's not forget the "accent" that he was using, decidedly black, just as...
Yes, it IS too bad. We've had lights stolen and even our license plate a few years back, not to mention the idiots that back into your truck and put you out of commission for a couple of weeks. No thanks, had our fill of all that too.
So now the thread is not only about you wanting a debate on Mark Levin's conservatism but in addition, you'd like to debate Mark's debate with other people.......and in the meantime you want to throw in a few of your typical slams of other members. I won't take time for your 3rd grade games...