Search results

  1. TeamCaffee

    Riding a bike

    We had folding bikes for awhile and found that we did not use them often when the new wore off. Couple of reasons we bought bikes with small wheels and it seemed liked we petaled a lot and got no where. I also figured out that I had learned to ride in the country and I was not comfortable...
  2. TeamCaffee

    Sad news

    Wow Cheri I also do not want to accept this... Judy really was great to work with and that is very sad.
  3. TeamCaffee

    Thoughts and Ideas on the Forum

    Beachbum that is really awesome and congratulations! I look forward to seeing the new you and going for a walk.
  4. TeamCaffee

    Loves Tire Pass

    If you needed fuel and spent the night at a Loves you could get this done first thing in the morning.... No one says you have to pull into the island with hot tires. $5 is not a bad price. Was it as quick as they said it would be?
  5. TeamCaffee

    Loves Tire Pass

    A friend sent me a thought about Tire Pass and I wondered if any one has used this service? We very seldom stop at a Loves and as the result I have not see this lane. The gist of the idea is that you pull into a fuel island that offers this service and call the desk. A technician is sent out...
  6. TeamCaffee

    It's a Team's Life Flirt Skirts and Trailer Tail : It's a Teams Life

    We have filled seven times since getting the Flirt Skirt and the Trident Trailer Tail with two loads over 10,000lbs which is very uncommon for us. Our average fuel mileage up to having the tail and skirts added is 11.85 and our average with seven fills with TT and skirts is 12.09. The initial...
  7. TeamCaffee

    Knee Replacement

    Some of you might remember Randy Cooper who ran a FedEx T-Val D straight truck for many years out of the Philadelphia area and as far as I know the only solo T-Val driver. He has since retired from expediting and has started a blog about getting his health back by cycling and having both...
  8. TeamCaffee

    Help Needed - Mobile Mammogram Bus - GATS

    TRUCKING SOLUTIONS GROUP ANNOUNCES DRIVER LED GRASSROOTS FUNDRAISING EFFORT TO BRING A MOBILE MAMMOGRAM UNIT TO THE GREAT AMERICAN TRUCKING SHOW LAKEWOOD, Colorado, May 13, 2015 - The Trucking Solutions Group announced today a fundraising campaign to raise money to cover the cost of...
  9. TeamCaffee

    Learning Curve

    Time has been flying for us and we have reached our 6 month anniversary at Landstar In a short period of time we have covered a lot of ground and we want to thank all of the Landstar BCO's that reached out a helping hand with advice and kind words. The help has came from all divisions of...
  10. TeamCaffee

    49'er Sacramento, CA

    Yet it is a Pilot but they have made very little changes. The lot is a pay lot but for those that have shore power you can get that for free. They have several parking spots and if you go to the exit guard shack you can leave a deposit and get a key.
  11. TeamCaffee

    49'er Sacramento, CA

    Fruit Stand about a block away on the north side of road. We were just at the 49'er and the Strawberries are some of the best we have ever had. They were picking them while we were walking to the stand to get ours. They also had some blueberries, cherries, and red onions but none of that was...
  12. TeamCaffee

    TA/Petro Free Meals

    Free Meals at TA/Petro for women CDL Holders at TA/Petro on Mothers Day. Also Mobil Delvac is giving a free meal certificate with an oil change through June 30th.
  13. TeamCaffee

    Self-Driving Freightliner Licensed in Neveda

    I am sure when Auto Pilot came along for Airline Pilots there was the same concerns. It is going to be interesting to follow this new technology and see where it does go. Using the Hoover Dam for a back drop was pretty amazing...
  14. TeamCaffee

    Log Time Again

    Great reminder! Thanks
  15. TeamCaffee

    Who do you call?

    When leaving home how many agents do you call or do you call any agents? This has been a debate between us on if we can several we know that have freight in this area or if we just call one at a time?
  16. TeamCaffee

    Direct Scan

    Direct Scan would ask me if it was ok to send with blank boxes and I would say yes.... I had no problem sending paperwork in the wrong way which is what prompted the call from Landstar to get me straightened out.
  17. TeamCaffee

    Getting exercise on the road

    We had it in the last truck and it fits great in an OEM Freightliner cab and sleeper. Very easy to set up and I like the variety of bands you can use for different exercises or you can get stronger bands. We have not got it hooked up in this truck due to the fact Bob can not figure out which...
  18. TeamCaffee

    Direct Scan

    So I got a phone call from Jacksonville... Still learning the difference between scanning with Express Waybill numbers or not checking the Express box. There are several clues besides calling Jacksonville. One is getting an trip advance and if you can get on online it is NOT a LEA load...
  19. TeamCaffee


    Landstar Express America does not have any tractor trailers.... Only straight trucks - reefers and non reefers as well as vans.