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  1. Humble2drive

    Yeah.....I Expressed MY Opinion..........

    When you say "here" are you referring to the Soapbox forum specifically or the E.O. Site in it's entirety? If you are referring to the Soapbox forum only then why would it matter to you if people rarely post? My point was that the E.O. Site has valuable information in other forums and IMO most...
  2. Humble2drive

    Yeah.....I Expressed MY Opinion..........

    I understand this must be frustrating to you. As a youngster you were able to state "I am taking my ball and going home, you guys are picking on me and it is not fair!" Now that you are an adult and the same things are happening to you, it has occurred to you that you do not own the ball so you...
  3. Humble2drive

    3 years and 3 weeks to go.

    So, you think the solution would be for people to vote based on common sense??? Voting according to your "feelings" is basically the same thing as voting according to your "common sense". Both are derived from your perception of the personal experiences you have had and both can lead to a...
  4. Humble2drive

    Gun buy back idiocy

    There are varying degrees of stupidity so it sounds like a fair question to me. Stop trying to pretend that you are offended. Besides, even stupid people who say stupid things are able to reach the pinnacle of success. Here is a top ten count down for one of them: The President, George W...
  5. Humble2drive

    Phil Robertson - Duck Dynasty

    Looks like yet another sheep has been convinced that the make believe characters on reality shows are real. These types of contrived controversies are purposely produced to increase the number of sheep that tune in to that nonsense. Oh, and Santa Claus is not real either. Sorry.
  6. Humble2drive

    Even Fox admits that income inequality is hurting this country

    Your confusing me again :confused: How does the illegal confiscation of a large portion of a wealthy persons estate create an even bigger gap? It is a socialist policy which robs from the rich and gives to the poor. :(
  7. Humble2drive

    Are The Dumbest People From Texas?

    Cheri, using the quote function properly is not rocket science and can make your posts more organized and more readable. I enjoy your comments but sometimes I move on without reading because they are confusing to someone of my simple intelligence. :rolleyes: Just sayin.
  8. Humble2drive

    The Sins Of The Fathers ...

    I believe that facts would show that there are many cases where an offspring has committed suicide as a result of what a parent has done. The mental, physical and sexual abuse by a parent is one scenario. Neglect is another. Blaming oneself for the divorce of the parents could also be a cause...
  9. Humble2drive

    Van Damme Volvo ad... frightning

    This is creative advertising at it's best! It leaves you in awe at the feat performed and impressed with the Volvo Dynamic Steering system.
  10. Humble2drive

    If you could splurge on anything...

    There are a couple of small things that would make life a little better: 1) Automatic chains 2) In-motion satellite And one big thing that would allow us to continue to get full enjoyment out of this lifestyle: Upgrading our truck and reefer to be California compliant. We have friends...
  11. Humble2drive

    Sex offenders working in schools

    I think we can all agree to that; however, we are talking about school administrators who kick kids out of school for wielding pop tart guns, finger guns and NRA t-shirts. Are they even capable of evaluating the circumstances? If so, why would they risk their job on a questionable canidate...
  12. Humble2drive

    It's a Team's Life Government Shutdown: It's a Teams Life

    Please clarify. Are you saying that you got through to the online exchange at: and evaluated all of the plans and were unable to find a decent affordable plan? If so: How long did it take you to get through? Why was your wife's pre-existing condition an...
  13. Humble2drive

    Unconditional income

    Where is this "free enterprise" that you speak of? :confused:
  14. Humble2drive

    Common Core baloney

    It has become clear that some people educated under the old Texas system can be corrected over and over but never learn. Remember the definition of insanity? :rolleyes:
  15. Humble2drive

    Efficient gun control that makes sense

    I beg to differ. It is in fact remotely true. Read the following and notice the word "radical" His assumptions regarding liberals seem to be taken from the rhetoric provided by the radical minority of liberals. It appears that he is applying those "radical" thoughts to the "Liberal agenda"...
  16. Humble2drive

    Ending discrimination

    Pop Quiz: Which one of the following thread titles does not make any sense: A) Marxism by Layoutshooter B) Pragmatism by Turtle C) Liberalism by Cheri D) Ending discrimination by LDB Answer: D. :cool:
  17. Humble2drive

    A hired beatdown?

    The cafeteria worker made a stupid decision! She should have paid them $5.00 each and had them sign a non disclosure agreement.*:p
  18. Humble2drive

    Load Acceptance Rates Included in Ranking

    If you are serious about your business then call for yourself.
  19. Humble2drive

    Load Acceptance Rates Included in Ranking

    Need to look into it?? I find this to be amazing that Expediter Services has had a large flashing banner advertisement on the Home page of E.O. for as long as I can remember. They have an exclusive arrangement with FECC as their largest fleet owner. The "red" trucks have become infamous. All...
  20. Humble2drive

    Obamacare Signup Glitches

    Why don't they get Al Gore to fix it? After all, he invented the Internet. :p