If I was a betting woman I'd bet that baby is born tonight while I'm sleeping..April has been pacing something fierce and she keeps licking her hind parts..gotta watch a little longer....
And I thought I was having a bad day!!! My trailers didn't show up... my greenhouse is about to blow off the deck and when I went out to shake a rug, a wind gust almost blew me over the railing! I hate this damn wind!!!
While your old straight line driver is finishing her coffee and watching the attorneys for that fellow dragged off the plane give a lengthy news conference...
Finally got the greenhouse set up on the deck! Moved my tomatoes, leeks and peppers into it this morning! They're going to enjoy the heat and humidity!
That's what I forgot to do...turn on the lights! Got up, grabbed my coffee and turned up the heat..let the cats out and sat down in the early morning light.