Okay, the short term solution till Monday is to use Chrome or Fire Fox. The problem doesn't seem to be widespread and it's difficult for me to troubleshoot a bug in one browser, so I need my team from the office.
Thanks for the follow up - many new people just read here, learn and never "give back" so to speak. So, thanks for the follow up. Many here have had success - so we wish you the same!
Check this van out - they will be at Expo in a few weeks, as will several other van dealers and outfitters:
New Ford E-Series Cutaway | For Sale | Serving Medina, Akron, Canton
Active On-Demand
All-State Express
Artur Express, Inc.
Barrett Directline
Bolt Express
C&M Transport
Ceva Logistics
Churchill Transportation
Container Port Group Inc
Craig Transportation
DeMaris Transportation, LLC
DMW Expedite Inc.
Driving Ambition, Inc.
Errands First...
For the sixth year in a row, Espar of Michigan and EsparParts.com will be sponsoring a giveaway for ExpeditersOnline.com Forum Members at Expedite Expo 2013!
This year, one lucky person will leave the show with an Espar D2 Heater with new Digi-Max controller - a $2000 value!
if you are bringing your Sprinter to sell to the Expo - we have a special thread where you can list it for sale:
As many of your know - we've added a convoy to the Expedite Expo this year.
This is a GREAT opportunity for everyone in our industry to get together, roll down the highway - all for a good cause. We plan to have media from Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus on hand to cover the event.